The alkalinity as a basis of health

The alkalinity as a basis of health

What does pH mean?

The term pH was originally defined by a Danish biochemist in 1909 named Soren Peter Lauritz Sorensen. pH means “hydrogen potential”, hydrogen ions concentration in a fluid. Hydrogen ions are positively charged molecules. And since acids dissolved in a fluid produce hydrogen ions, we know that the more hydrogen ions there is in a solution, the more acidic that solution will be. Therefore, if we look at the concentration of hydrogen ions in any given fluid (body fluids saliva, urine, blood, extra fluid and intracellular),  pH will indicate whether that fluid  is acid, alkaline, or neutral. That´s the reason why measuring the pH of our bodily fluids and tissues allows us to determine if our body is in an acid-alkaline balanced state.

It must be clarified that acid substances release hydrogen ions and that alkaline substances absorbs them.

The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, where 7 is neutral; meaning that it’s neither acid nor alkaline. Any measurement under 7 is considered acidic and above alkaline.

Why is it so important to remain healthy?

When we talk about health, pH balance is everything. The balance between these two components, acid-alkaline, is essential, not only for our health at all levels, but to slow aging.

Nobel laureate Albert Szent.-Györgyi, 1937 (for discovering vitamin C in 1927) quoted

“The body is alkaline by design, but is acidic by function”

Meaning that all the body’s metabolic processes produce huge amounts of acid, minute by minute, even though in order to function properly, all cells and tissues need an alkaline environment.

And in practice this means that the body needs an alkaline fuel, and that acids are generated as a by-product of all human activities.

It is important to say, therefore, that there are two basic chemical elements – acids and bases – and when they meet in certain proportions, they neutralize themselves.

What are the consequences of acidosis?

Ideally, blood should always remain at a pH 7’365. There are other parts of the body that have different pH´s. Maintaining the natural alkaline pH of the bodily fluids, including blood, urine, saliva (tears and sweat) is essential for our good health.

Most physical and emotional diseases, chronic and acute illness, aches and pains are due to toxicity and excess acids that stress the delicate pH balance of the body ans it´s fluids, producing the symptoms we already know. Depending on the level of acidity, the symptoms are often barely noticeable. The good news is that we can reverse this acid state by taking responsibility and by choosing a different lifestyle and other type of foods.

Our body can´t remain in an acidic state for too long. Acidosis occurs in 7 stages:

  • Lack of energy
  • Sensitivity and irritation
  • Snot and congestion
  • Inflammation
  • Hardening of Soft tissues (Induration, hardening of the arteries, plaque)
  • Ulceration
  • Degeneration

In the early stages symptoms like heartburn and things like rashes, migraines, allergies, colds, flu, and sinusitis may appear and could be mild. As acidity progresses, things become more complicated, resulting in dysfunctions of the thyroid and adrenal glands, liver, etc., and if the pH of the tissues become more acidic, oxygen levels decrease as well as cellular metabolism.

To prevent this, when there is a lot of acidity in the body, the blood begins to remove ALKALINE MINERALS from the tissues to compensate.

The main minerals that neutralize and detoxify the body acids are:


A healthy body always has a reserve of alkalizing minerals for an emergency case. But if there aren’t enough minerals or you don´t get enough of them from your food, your body will get them elsewhere; Sodium and potassium from the blood, Calcium from bones and cartilages, and Magnesium from muscles where they are needed. And this obviously can lead to deficiencies and the variety of symptoms that derive from it.

When there is too much acidity and the body cannot detoxify itself properly, the body will store toxic waste in the tissues and organs. Then the lymphatic system (immune system) will do whatever it takes to neutralize and eliminate these toxins which means, throwing toxins back again into the blood, generating a vicious circle; stealing even more basic minerals from the body and stressing the main organs.

When the pH of the blood and tissues is not balanced it produces irritation and inflammation. The circulatory system will try to eliminate acids in the form of gas or liquid, through the lungs or kidneys. If there are too many toxins, they will be stored in several organs: heart, pancreas, liver and colon, or in the fatty tissue: including breasts, hips, thighs abdomen and brain. We know these deposits as; polyps, fluids, cysts, acid crystals, tumors, warts, protuberances, masses, spots, moles, blisters, etc.

This process can also be called: aging. And finally, if this process continues it can lead to degenerative diseases.

And all this caused by acids derived from diet, metabolism and environment. Dietary acids derive from what you eat and drink; Metabolic acids are produced as the body processes what it eats and drinks to convert it into energy, environmental acids come from the environment, synthetic products or smoke from factories or cars,  electric network and electromagnetic waves are also included.

On the other hand, healthy and alkaline blood and tissues create a healthy body.

Temas: Alkaline Diet

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