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Perder peso con la milagrosa dieta del pH

Balance your body chemistry and achieve your ideal weight


In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Robert Young, a renowned microbiologist and nutritionist, and Shelley Redford Young, a diet cooking expert, offer you a simple seven-step treatment to balance your body chemistry and help you lose weight to your ideal weight.

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Categoría: Books, Training

Let’s start with some simple math. How many extra kilos should you lose to reach your ideal and healthy weight? Whatever your answer is, multiply it by four. This way you will obtain the maximum number of days it will take to achieve your goal. Despite what is often believed, losing weight has nothing to do with fat, carbohydrates or calories, but rather it is related to the acid in our body. The book Perder peso con la milagrosa dieta del pH is now available

Lose weight with the alkaline diet

Today we have a true obesity epidemic like never before seen. It is estimated that it affects 28% of the adult population (26% of men and 31% of women). The epidemic is no stranger to children and adolescents.

The reason is because of our current western lifestyle. Eating ultra-industrially processed foods with preservatives and artificial colorings, refined carbohydrates, sugars, “trans” fats, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, etc., acidifies, inflames and makes us sick. As a result we gain weight, have no energy and are in a bad mood.

Acid toxins that the body cannot eliminate through the 4 detoxification pathways (urine, feces, sweat and breathing) tend to be stored in fatty tissue, superficial fat and visceral fat.

When you are acidic it is very difficult to lose weight even if you try many different diets, many of them very promising, by the way. And even if you manage to lose weight, then the famous rebound effect appears, where you not only regain the lost weight, but you add even more kilos than before.

So the key to losing weight in a healthy way is to eliminate toxins, purifying and alkalizing ourselves.

About the book: Perder Peso con la Milagrosa Dieta del pH

Dr. Robert Young, a renowned microbiologist and Shelley Redford Young, a diet cooking expert, offer you a simple seven-step treatment to balance your body.


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