Women’s special

Smoothie for healthy and radiant skin

We all like to have soft, radiant skin, free of imperfections. Today I share an exquisite smoothie, incredibly easy to make, full of vitamins, antioxidants,…

Discover the precursors of chlorophyll

In today’s article, we explore the relationship between chlorophyll, glutathione (a powerful antioxidant), folic acid, and vitamin B12. Discover the precursors of chlorophyll. Discover…

How hormone disruptors affect us

Today, we’ll be discussing hormone disruptors, also known as endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). We’ll explore what they are, how they can impact us, and what…

Get beautiful skin with Dulkamara

There is a wonderful trio from the Dulkamara Bamboo brand that cares for, respects, protects and beautifies the skin. If you want to surprise…

Detox benefits during menopause

Menopause is a natural stage that all women will undergo sooner or later. Our lifestyle, the diet we follow, and our thoughts and emotions…

30 buenas razones para tomar clorofila

Todos sabemos que las hortalizas y las verduras de color verde son muy buenas para nuestra salud ya que contienen vitaminas, minerales, enzimas, antioxidantes…

Detox helps reduce menstrual pain

Many women around the world experience painful periods or “dysmenorrhea” every month. Detox helps reduce menstrual pain Dysmenorrhea is a menstrual condition characterized by…

What is premenstrual syndrome

What is premenstrual syndrome? Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a set of recurring symptoms that occur between ovulation and your period. These signs can be…