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Zumos alcalinizantes y otras bebidas caprichosas

Alkaline juice recipes


Discover more than 20 easy and delicious recipes for alkalizing juices that will help you lead an alkaline lifestyle.

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Original, creative and tasty recipes for alkalizing juices explained step by step by the Coach & Chef Nadia Torres. With her book Zumos alcalinizantes y otras bebidas caprichosas you will have no excuses to take care of yourself from within.

Zumos alcalinizantes y otras bebidas caprichosas

In this book you will find functional juices, refreshing juices for summer and also appetizing for winter, as well as some irresistible and healthy treats.

Green juices are different from each other. Not only because of their flavor, but because they have different properties depending on their ingredients. Enjoy these recipes for alkaline green juices.

Difference between smoothies and juices

The shakes have all the fiber, which promotes intestinal transit and provides a greater feeling of satiety. On the other hand, juices do not contain fiber, so all their nutrients end up in the bloodstream in a matter of a few minutes, oxygenating the blood and providing a shot of clean and efficient energy.

Our recommendation is that you consume juices in which green predominates, which is the purifying, regenerative, oxygenating and alkalizing color par excellence. However, the rest of the vegetables and fruits also provide another series of essential nutrients. So it is advisable to add fruit or vegetables of different colors to the juices, always following the 80/20 proportion so that the juice does not acidify us.


  • Try to vary the green vegetables.  Plants have an imprint of alkaloids (which in small doses is fine) and it is best to consume a variety of these vegetables and not just one of them.
  • Although eating vegetables every day is recommended, your body will assimilate many more nutrients if we occasionally drink a green juice instead of trying them in salads or stews.
  • They can be accompanied by fruits, as long as the futa does not exceed 20% of the juice. Although it will improve its flavor and provide more nutritional properties, it will also increase the amount of fructose in the juice.
  • It is advisable to prepare the juice of the day and drink it immediately since this way its nutrients are better preserved. If you want to preserve it, store it in the refrigerator and it will last up to 3 days. You can also add a few PuripHy alkalizing drops without altering its flavor and increasing its shelf life.
  • Ideally, green juices should be ingested on an empty stomach, this way you will improve their absorption and assimilation.


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