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Bebidas alcalinizantes

Guía gastronómica de zumos naturales


Thanks to the consumption of live drinks we can provide our body with such a quantity of vegetables and fruits that chewing them will require a lot of time and energy.

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Categoría: Books, Training

There is more and more evidence about the importance of including fresh vegetables and fruits in our daily diet for our physical and mental health. That is why today we tell you the benefits of vegetable and fruit juices. The book Bebidas alcalinizantes. Fuente de energía, vitalidad y juventud is now available.

Fruits and vegetables are essential during all stages of life, especially during childhood, adolescence and pregnancy. Because they enhance the immune system while purifying the body. On the other hand, fruits and vegetables are loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, chlorophyll and amino acids essential for life.

How to include fruits and vegetables in your daily life

It is important to note that it is essential to consume a good part of them raw since the heat of cooking destroys their valuable properties. In addition to classic salads, a very good way to eat fresh fruits and vegetables is through smoothies and juices.

The benefits of fruit and vegetable juices

The juices are prepared with a juice extractor machine. On one side we extract the juice and on the other the fiber comes out.

Juices, unlike smoothies, are an immediate source of enzymes, proteins, minerals and vitamins since they do not contain fiber in 10 minutes, our digestive system absorbs it, immediately passing it into the bloodstream, redistributing it throughout the body.

They are a great source of energy and vitality, especially if taken on an empty stomach. They are also perfect if you want to lose weight, since in addition to being satiating they are very nutritious. There are many types of juices, but it is advisable to vary to obtain all their benefits. Here you have 2 alkaline recipes that will help you purify your body: Detox juice for a liver cleanse.

The book: Bebidas alcalinizantes. Fuente de energía, vitalidad y juventud

We do not have to introduce our readers to Gitta Lénárt, Hungary’s most renowned and prestigious raw food specialist. Alkalizing drinks is a gastronomic guide to the world of these drinks, natural juices. Thanks to the consumption of live drinks we can provide our body with such a quantity of vegetables and fruits that chewing them will require a lot of time and energy. The work of beating and squeezing by the digestive system can cause the cell walls to break, but if it is through the juices, the nutrients are absorbed quickly, nourishing our body with natural energies and without attacking walls or parts of the digestive system. . The periodic consumption of juices and soft drinks strengthens our immune system, helping the body in its effort to heal itself. Our resistance capacity against infections will increase, and the possibility of developing chronic diseases will be reduced.


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