Alkalinity and health

What isn’t a detox

Today, we are going to talk about what is detoxification and what isn’t a detox. What does Detox really mean? Also referred as “cleansing,”…

There is no disease without acidosis

All diseases occur in a low oxygen inner terrain and low-grade acidosis. Lack of energy, recurrent infections, chronic inflammation, pain, and degenerative diseases are…

SIBO and Alkalinity

Nowadays, we hear a lot about Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), a condition that primarily affects the digestive system (especially women) leading to various…

30 buenas razones para tomar clorofila

Todos sabemos que las hortalizas y las verduras de color verde son muy buenas para nuestra salud ya que contienen vitaminas, minerales, enzimas, antioxidantes…

Detox helps reduce menstrual pain

Many women around the world experience painful periods or “dysmenorrhea” every month. Detox helps reduce menstrual pain Dysmenorrhea is a menstrual condition characterized by…

Symptoms indicating acidity

Today we talk about how to recognize the symptoms that indicate that I am acidic. We also tell you what you can do to…

How to compensate Christmas binges

Christmas is the time when many of us go all out—shopping, eating, and drinking much more tan usual. With all the indulgence, we often…

7 fall foods for your liver detox

In this article, we will discuss some typical fall/winter foods that should not be missing from your table if you want to take care…
manzana detox otoño