Recipe to reduce inflammation

Today’s recipe is very simple to make as well as being delicious. It is specifically designed to help reduce inflammation in the body and especially stomach swelling, in addition to promoting peristaltic movements and combating constipation. It has fresh pineapple, a very antioxidant fruit with vitamin C and Bromelain, a proteolytic digestive enzyme that helps digest proteins. Pineapple also promotes fat digestion and weight loss. Discover this recipe to reduce inflammation in the abdomen and go to the bathroom.

It also contains turmeric, a powerful natural anti-inflammatory that helps lower cholesterol and triglycerides, increases defenses and reduces pain and stress.

To make this Smoothie I recommend using a powerful blender.

Recipe to reduce inflammation


  • ¼ large fresh pineapple with its core (rich in fiber) cut into small pieces (1 large cup of approximately 250 ml).
  • ½ whole peeled lemon. It is rich in vitamin C, digestive, alkalizing, helps improve fat digestion and cleanses the liver.
  • 1 fresh carrot cut into small pieces. Containing a lot of fiber, it helps with going to the bathroom, in addition to regulating cholesterol and glucose.
  • 1 piece of fresh ginger. Ginger is a natural digestive, antioxidant and accelerates metabolism.
  • ¼ dessert spoon of turmeric powder. You could also use a small piece of fresh turmeric if you have it. It is anti-inflammatory and reduces pain and stress.
  • 1 pinch of ground black pepper. It promotes the absorption of turmeric and increases the production of gastric juices and hydrochloric acid.
  • 300 ml of alkaline water. It is more hydrating and helps improve digestion and absorption of all nutrients.


  • Ultra simple. Add all the ingredients to the blender glass and blend until it becomes a very homogeneous liquid and serve in a nice glass.


  • To make your homemade alkaline water, use PuripHy drops. With just 6 drops you already have a liter of alkaline water. A water full of antioxidants and other beneficial properties.
  • You could add a ¼ teaspoon of vegan kefir powder to your smoothie just before drinking it as it will add prebiotics and postbiotics that will improve your digestion, help you reduce inflammation and you will go to the bathroom better.
  • And if you also want to add extra fiber, you could also add, once served in the glass, 1 small teaspoon of Psyllium Husk since you will go to the bathroom wonderfully and it will help you reduce stomach bloating.

Try this wonderful Smoothie, you will see how light and deflated you will feel!

Alkaline CareAlkaline waterAlkalinity and healthDigestive well-beingLoose weightProductosPuriphySuper foods

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