How hormone disruptors affect us

Today, we’ll be discussing hormone disruptors, also known as endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). We’ll explore what they are, how they can impact us, and what we can do to avoid them. Hormone disruptors are toxic chemicals present in our environment that have the ability to mimic our hormones, negatively affecting our health, fertility, the environment, and wildlife. Learn how hormone disruptors can affect us.

How can Hormone Disruptors Affect Us

These disruptors enter our bodies through the air, food, water, and skin and store in fatty tissue. Any substance capable of disturbing hormonal balance will have a direct impact on the health of any living being. Additionally, they can cross the blood-brain barrier and the placenta, potentially affecting fetuses.

We have various hormones such as GH (growth hormone), insulin, thyroid hormones (thyroxine), hormones that regulate sexual function, reproduction, and fertility (estrogens, female hormones), androgens (testosterone, male hormones), those that regulate mood (endorphins), oxytocin, cortisol, and adrenaline, to name a few.

Currently, there have been identified more than 1,000 chemicals with disruptive capabilities.

These chemicals are found in various plastics, non-stick cookware, pesticides, herbicides, synthetic perfumes, cosmetic and personal hygiene products, artificial food additives, and even in the water we drink.

Endocrine disruptors affect women more

The reason lies in body fat. There are two different types of fat in the human body: white fat and brown fat. White fat makes up 20-25% of body weight and serves as our reservoir of energy and hormones. In women, it accumulates in the hips and thighs, and in men, in the abdomen. Brown fat has a thermoregulatory function and generates heat in response to external cold.

Women store these hormone disruptors in the fat of their hips and thighs, right where their hormonal reservoir is located.

The reality is that we are continuously exposed to them.

They can contribute to conditions such as breast and prostate cancer, obesity, infertility in both women and men, diabetes, asthma, and developmental problems in children.

They also contribute to various gynecological issues, as well as early puberty, premature menopause, and infertility.

The good news is that we can positively influence this situation. Here’s how you can do it.

How to Drastically Reduce Exposure to EDCs


Try to eat organic fruits and vegetables that do not contain pesticides or herbicides. If that’s not possible, wash your produce thoroughly with baking soda and a splash of vinegar. Avoid full-fat dairy and dairy products in general (milk, cheese, yogurt) as endocrine disruptors accumulate in animal fat.

Say Goodbye to Plastics

Replace canned and plastic-packaged foods with those packaged in glass.

We are increasingly aware of the harmful effects of plastics, not only on the environment but also on our health. Nowadays, there are many alternatives to plastic. Whenever possible, opt for containers made of biodegradable materials like bamboo, silicone, plant fibers, glass, ceramic, or wood.

Choose Natural Cosmetics

Avoid cosmetics and perfumes containing synthetic preservatives like parabens and other harmful chemicals, as well as synthetic sunscreens derived from petroleum. On our Bioherbarium natural cosmetics website, you’ll find everything you need for skincare.

Remember, the skin is an osmotic membrane, and everything we apply to it penetrates and enters the bloodstream. Synthetic cosmetics and personal hygiene products are a significant source of hormone disruptors.

Stainless Steel is Your Friend

Benefits of Surgical Steel:

  • It doesn’t stain or rust when in contact with water.
  • It’s a hard and durable material.
  • Surgical steel has a high level of purity.
  • It doesn’t tarnish.
  • It doesn’t warp or scratch, thanks to its durability.
  • It doesn’t stain the skin.

Be Careful with Cleaning Products

At home, use eco-friendly detergents like baking soda, vinegar, lemon, natural soap, and hydrogen peroxide.

Benefits of Eco-friendly Detergents:

  • They aren´t harmful.
  • They are environmentally friendly.
  • They are vegan and cruelty-free.
  • They have lower CO2 emissions.
  • They are phosphate-free.
  • They come in sustainable packaging.
  • They are convenient and effective.

A Good Detox is Your Salvation

This point is crucial to help eliminate toxins and endocrine disruptors from the body. The liver is the primary organ responsible for this task.

Therefore, it’s essential to cleanse the liver periodically to preserve our hormonal health and original alkaline design.

Try Hephatic Care, a liquid compound of various medicinal plants and vitamins that deeply cleanses and detoxifies the liver.

Liquid chlorophyll will also help cleanse all organs in general, especially the blood. In addition to promoting heavy metal chelation, it helps eliminate toxins that negatively affect our endocrine glands.

Today, we are inevitably exposed to endocrine disruptors as they are found in many places. However, if you follow the six points mentioned above, the difference will be significant. The key is to ensure that more toxins are eliminated than are ingested, so that the body can manage them on its own.

Alkaline CareAlkalinity and healthDetoxHealth benefitsHephatic CareLiquid chlorophyllLiver detoxNatural cosmeticsToxics to avoidWomen's special

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