
Melon and mint smoothie

During the summer, with the heat, everything changes for us: our physical rhythm slows down, we get more tired, it is harder for us…

Alkaline tips for summer

Summer has arrived! When temperatures rise, the body adapts to balance the heat load. The heart rate increases and we sweat more to compensate…

Fight spring allergies

This spring, fight spring allergies! The spring months are the most critical for people allergic to pollen. This time of year its proliferation is…

How to compensate Christmas binges

Christmas is the time when many of us go all out—shopping, eating, and drinking much more tan usual. With all the indulgence, we often…

7 fall foods for your liver detox

In this article, we will discuss some typical fall/winter foods that should not be missing from your table if you want to take care…
manzana detox otoño