pHour Salts mineral salts in powder format contribute to rapid remineralization of the body, thanks to the replacement and appropriate proportion of the 4 main natural carbonated salts (sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium).
pHour Salts PACK:
500g = 90 doses
450g = 75 doses.
High concentration. 100% natural and vegan.
Our alkaline mineral salts have the following quality guarantees:
Discover the uses and benefits of pHour Salts in this short video:
pHour Salts are a unique combination of four powerful carbonated mineral salts (sodium bicarbonate, magnesium carbonate, potassium bicarbonate and calcium bicarbonate). This combination helps increase the levels of minerals in our body, providing instant significant results to improve the health and general well-being of the body.
It contributes to increasing the level of energy, tone and vitality.
Fights heartburn without affecting the adequate production of hydrochloric acid.
Helps improve digestion.
Helps preserve intestinal bacterial flora.
It intervenes in the improvement of inflammatory processes.
Promotes intestinal transit.
Contributes to improving sports performance.
Helps keep your muscles, bones and joints young.
Provides mental calm, helping you sleep better, improve mood, memory and neurotransmission in the brain (communication between neurons).
Promotes blood circulation of the heart.
Helps balance blood pressure and cholesterol.
Boosts vital energy by generating ATP.
Helps counteract overall low-grade acidosis in the body.
Improves ocular blood circulation and combats oxidative stress.
Improves skin texture and promotes the growth of hair follicles.
Helps strengthen bones, teeth and muscles.
Enhances kidney function.
How it works in the body
pHour Salts is a unique combination of four powerful carbonated salts (sodium bicarbonate, magnesium carbonate, potassium bicarbonate and calcium bicarbonate), which helps maintain the alkaline design of the human body, plants and other living organisms.
When lifestyle and diet create more acidification than the body can neutralize, it can cause great stress to your health. The body must maintain the pH of cells and fluids at 7.365, and will do whatever is necessary to maintain balance. The process of constant acid neutralization generates very high stress in the body.
pHour Salts help the body regain balance. It gives the body exactly what it needs to increase levels of the most important alkaline minerals and provides significant results in improving the body’s overall health and well-being. Taking these alkalizing minerals allows you to discover the potential benefits for the body of an alkaline diet.
These salts are naturally present in all the fluids of our body. We usually lack them and in many cases the body is also saturated with toxins. When this happens, it is impossible for the body to function normally.
This alkalizing formula helps reduce acidity in the lymphatic, circulatory and gastrointestinal systems, facilitating their recovery and vitalization.
Do not exceed the expressly recommended daily dose.
Food supplements should not be used as substitutes for a balanced diet.
Keep out of the reach of little kids.
Phour Salts can be taken daily and includes a measuring cup in the package.
Take 1 scoop (6 g) per day diluted in a glass of water (250 ml) 1 to 3 times a day.
Recommended daily dose: 6-18 g (1-3 teaspoons).
● ¿Las sales alcalinas ayudan a regular el ardor/acidez del estómago?
Llevar una dieta alcalina es un buen aliado contra la acidez. Introducir una dieta alcalina en nuestra alimentación puede mejorar el problema, ya que los alimentos alcalinos son aquellos que tienen un bajo contenido en acidez y por ende, aumentan el pH de nuestro cuerpo.
● ¿A qué saben las sales minerales alcalinas?
Las sales minerales alcalinas tienen un ligero sabor astringente y amargo característico del bicarbonato.
● ¿Qué beneficios me aporta el consumo de sales alcalinas?
Las sales minerales alcalinas tienen propiedades depurativas, digestivas y remineralizantes. Es por esta razón, que aportan numerosos beneficios para el organismo: • Tiene propiedades antioxidantes. • Favorecen el equilibrio del pH del organismo. • Neutralizan los ácidos metabólicos generados por el cuerpo y producto de la dieta. • Aportan energía a nivel celular, ATP, al instante. • Favorecen la concentración y el enfoque mental. • Contienen magnesio, calcio, sodio y potasio • Fomenta el buen funcionamiento del estómago y todo el sistema digestivo. • Son un antiácido natural. • Preservan la flora bacteriana intestinal. • Combate las flatulencias
● ¿Cómo funcionan las sales alcalinas?
Las sales alcalinas están presentes de forma natural en todos los fluidos de nuestro cuerpo, pero habitualmente tenemos carencia de las mismas y en muchos casos el organismo está saturado de toxinas. Cuando esto sucede, al cuerpo le es imposible funcionar con normalidad. El cuerpo debe mantener el pH de las células y los fluidos (fluido extracelular) a 7,365, y hará lo que sea necesario para mantener su propio equilibrio, ya que el proceso de neutralización constante de ácido genera un estrés muy alto en el organismo. Esta fórmula alcalinizante ayudará a tu organismo a recuperar su equilibrio mediante la reducción de acidez del sistema linfático, circulatorio y gastrointestinal, facilitando la recuperación y revitalización de los mismos.
● ¿Quiénes las pueden tomar?
Las sales alcalinas pHour Salts las puede tomar todo el mundo ya que los minerales son esenciales para la vida misma, y por lo tanto, benéficas para todos. Personas adultas, ancianos, niños, adolescentes, embarazadas, madres lactantes, deportistas, estudiantes, etc. se van a beneficiar de su consumo.
pHour Salts no contienen cloruro sódico refinado presente en la sal común de mesa tratada habitualmente. Contiene los 4 minerales más prevalentes en el cuerpo humano y que son esenciales para la vida misma en forma de carbonatos y bicarbonatos: sodio, potasio, calcio y magnesio. La presencia de potasio, calcio y magnesio es esencial para regular óptimamente la presión arterial, y se ha visto que su carencia podría favorecer la subida de presión. En presencia de minerales alcalinos podemos afirmar que la presión arterial se regula de forma natural.
● ¿Podrían las sales minerales Phour Salts alterar mi producción de ácido clorhídrico en el estómago?
En presencia de sales minerales alcalinas naturales el estómago y el páncreas pueden producir correctamente sus jugos gástricos, y regular el exceso o defecto de ácido clorhídrico. Phour Salts por lo tanto, son un buen aliado para regular la hiperacidez estomacal y también para regular positivamente la producción de enzimas digestivas esenciales para la buena absorción de los alimentos.
The alkaline diet for me is “synonymous” with health, I usually use PURIPHY drops to alkalize water and Phour salts mineral salts to remineralize the body. The truth is that I am very happy since I do a lot of sport and with that routine I find myself perfectly.
Antonio Solanas Isac
Puriphy for infusions with cold water, goes great. Chlorophyll is also added to drinking water from time to time and phour salts are essential when traveling. Thank you Alkalinecare.
Elena Torrents
I have been drinking Phour Salts for years in the morning and sometimes after a copious meal (sporadically). I love them because they give me energy and I feel that they balance my body✨
I feel more energized and joyful when taking the pHour Salts
The benefit has been 101%, I feel more energetic and with vitality, it shows EVEN ON THE SKIN!! 💚it has helped me to maintain my body weight, and I notice that it improved a lot to at least 50%, my sports performance, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU
Since taking the alkaline supplements I have noticed an increase in energy and vitality! I am very happy
I have been consuming Alkaline Care supplements for years. I am a #1 fan of liquid chlorophyll which is like injecting chlorophyll into your veins, a wonder of nature that works wonders inside our body.
Zuriune Zelan
Years ago I started an alkaline diet and the truth is that apart from losing volume I have noticed a very significant increase in energy. In addition, at the digestive level, the advantages have been even greater. I have used several of your products and my favorites are chlorophyll and PHOUR SALTS
Amanda Ballem
I use the purify and it is wonderful, I also helped a lot pHour salts.
Barbara Cavazzini
As soon as I start, you can immediately notice changes in energy, vitality, mood, strength, desire, defenses… the point is to learn, incorporate food, change habits, try to do things in the best possible way and see the results that so many thousands of people have seen and testify.
Jose Luis
I do not do a strictly alkaline diet, but if I eat quite healthy and what I have incorporated a lot are the pHour Salts and the Puriphy for the sport, and the truth is that, when I have done some endurance test, I have surprised even myself. The PuripHy drops are only made in the coffee and water that I take to the gym, but when I have had some coffee outside the house then I have been with acidity all afternoon.
A much more alkaline diet has been a change that has transcended food. I think it’s even something that has been part of my personal and spiritual growth. To feel more alive, clean and connected to the energy of what Mother Earth offers us.
Our Phour Salts product is a formula of powdered carbonated alkaline mineral salts. With antioxidant, anti-aging properties, energy and sports performance enhancers. Phour Salts…
There are no diseases or ailments without the presence of an acidic environment. Lack of energy, colds, inflammation, ulcers, or degeneration cannot occur without…