How we drink is at least as important as how we eat, starting with the fact that most people don’t drink enough. During the summer, our bodies need to stay hydrated and remineralized more than ever to prevent major health problems. This is because during this time of year, our bodies lose more minerals and significant amounts of water through sweating, for example, potentially shedding up to 4 liters of water per day. We are made up of 80% water (between 38 and 49 liters) and lose about 2 liters daily, a figure that tends to increase in the summer, making it essential to replenish this loss. Hydrate and remineralize with pHour Salts and PuripHy!
Hydrate and remineralize with pHour Salts and PuripHy
Mild dehydration slows down metabolism by 3%, and a water loss of just 3% reduces muscle strength and endurance by 10%, as well as physical and mental performance.
Becoming dehydrated and demineralized primarily affects the cells in our bodies. As you may know, cells need to be well hydrated to function properly, as a lack of oxygen weakens them, potentially causing them to mutate and create malignant cells that can lead to serious illnesses. On the other hand, cells require a substantial supply of minerals to function correctly and provide enough energy for our organs and muscles to perform optimally.
It is therefore necessary to drink purified, alkaline, and ionized water to hydrate the cells and eliminate acids.
The most important thing you can do to keep your body healthy is to drink quality water.
Our muscles and heart contain 75% water, the brain and kidneys 83%, the lungs 86%, and our blood and eyes nearly 95%. Therefore, we must keep every cell in our body properly hydrated if we want optimal health.
As you’ve probably heard before, we are literally made of water. Proper hydration keeps all cells healthy and maintains a balanced pH. If the cells don’t get the buffering they need from what we provide, they will extract alkaline mineral salts from bones, muscles, and other areas of the body, leaving those areas vulnerable.
Water is of utmost importance for good health, but the quality of water (both tap and bottled) in many countries is already poor and rapidly worsening. Centuries ago, the planet’s drinking water was alkaline, but due to industrialization and general pollution, this is no longer the case. As mentioned, we are 80% water and lose about 2 liters of water daily, which must be replenished. For this reason, it is recommended to drink 1 liter of water for every 18 kg of body weight.
Low-quality water can actually make us sick and leave us feeling tired. Therefore, obtaining alkaline water that is rich in electrons and has an ideal molecular structure is just as important as consuming foods with these characteristics.
Not all water provides proper hydration, as it depends on various factors. We recommend purified, alkaline, and ionized water to hydrate the cells and eliminate acids.
The body’s cells are only as healthy as the fluids they are bathed in. Unfortunately, nearly all the water readily available to us is acidic and will acidify our bodies, leading to numerous health problems associated with body acidification. If water is acidic, it cannot act as a buffer or help remove acid from our bodies. Alkaline water, on the other hand, neutralizes acidic waste products from diet and metabolism, and consuming it daily will gently eliminate acids from the body.
The key characteristics of water are:
- Purity level: Free from lime, chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals, and other contaminants.
- pH level: Should range between 8.5 and 9.5.
- REDOX potential (ORP): Negative millivolt value for reduction-oxidation potential.
- Clusters: Small clusters of water molecules.
Alkaline water, aside from being free of contaminants, contains minerals that our bodies need, including calcium, magnesium, and potassium. These minerals, suspended in water, are absorbed by our bodies in the most efficient way. Alkaline water has an anti-aging effect as it oxygenates and rejuvenates tissues.
Benefits of drinking alkaline water:
- Improves digestion.
- Neutralizes gastric hyperacidity.
- Combats organic acidity.
- Helps eliminate free radicals from the body.
- Supports cellular nutrition.
- Removes acidic waste.
- Provides better body hydration.
- Offers more rejuvenating antioxidants.
- Helps restore optimal pH and health.
With PuripHy drops, an excellent product for alkalizing your daily drinking water, you can achieve water with a pH of 8 to 9 with just a few drops. These drops enhance water’s hydration ability and help neutralize toxic acids in the body over time. They also buffer stomach acids resulting from digestion, which can cause acid reflux or heartburn.
This highly concentrated formula is the most advanced on the market. Its potency means only 5–8 drops are needed to alkalize 1 liter of water, compared to 10–20 drops required by other products, offering significant economic savings due to its concentration and long-lasting effects.
The body uses its mineral reserves, such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, to maintain an alkaline balance. The acidity generated by metabolism and an acidifying lifestyle, including diet, depletes these reserves, which must be replenished to preserve optimal body function.
Your body needs minerals:
- Minerals support electrical conductivity, nerve impulses, and muscle fiber contraction.
- Sodium/potassium pumps create intracellular electrical potential, allowing nutrients and information to enter cells.
- Processed “table salt” dehydrates and acidifies, potentially causing hypertension (99% sodium chloride).
- Natural sea salt, Himalayan salt, seawater, and biochemical salts do not contribute to hypertension.
Without enough alkalizing minerals, the kidneys become overburdened. The right minerals help relieve the acid load on the kidneys.
Acidosis (excess body acid) and dehydration also contribute to hypertension, one way the body signals imbalance.
Mineral salts like Phour Salts and PuripHy are alkalizing carbonated salts, distinct from processed table salt. The latter, consisting of 99% sodium chloride, is toxic and acidifying, potentially contributing indirectly to high blood pressure.
As emphasized throughout this article, proper hydration is essential. Drinking at least 1 liter of water per 18 kg of body weight is recommended.
Phour Salts: A Key to Alkalinity
Phour Salts is a unique blend of four powerful carbonated salts (sodium bicarbonate, magnesium carbonate, potassium bicarbonate, and calcium bicarbonate) that helps maintain the body’s alkaline design. This blend is essential for the health of humans, plants, and other living organisms.
When lifestyle and diet produce more acid than the body can neutralize, it places significant stress on health. The body must maintain a pH of 7.365 in its cells and fluids, and it will do whatever it takes to achieve this level. The constant neutralization of acid imposes incredible stress on the body.
Phour Salts can fundamentally change this. It provides the body with what it needs to increase its levels of key alkalizing minerals, delivering significant health and wellness benefits. Consuming these alkalizing minerals reveals the potential benefits of an alkaline diet.
These salts are naturally present in all body fluids. However, we often lack them, and in many cases, the body is overwhelmed by toxins. When this happens, normal functioning becomes impossible. This alkalizing formula reduces acidity in the lymphatic, circulatory, and gastrointestinal systems, promoting recovery and revitalization.
Phour Salts can be used daily to alkalize food or drinks. Other applications include adding it to bread dough, as toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, or general hygiene product.