How to take Phour Salts

Our Phour Salts product is a formula of powdered carbonated alkaline mineral salts. With antioxidant, anti-aging properties, energy and sports performance enhancers. Phour Salts contain electrolytes essential for optimal cellular functioning and are essential for generating ATP energy. They are also essential for nerve impulses (neurons) and muscle contractions. A combination of four powerful mineral salts (sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate) that maintain the body’s alkaline blueprint. In this article we tell you how to take Phour Salts.

These four mineral salts flow naturally through all the body’s fluids. They work by reducing low-grade acidosis and heartburn and delaying deterioration and the premature aging process.

How should you take it? Phour Salts, in powder form, dissolve in water immediately.

How to take Phour Salts

Keep your body alkaline

Balance the pH of tissues to preserve the body’s alkaline design and prevent disease, illness and inflammation.

  • Take 2 scoops of Phour Salts dissolved in a liter of alkaline water and drink throughout the day.

Kidney problems

To prevent kidney problems and diseases. The kidneys are usually the first organs to be affected by low-grade acidosis and Phour Salts alkaline bicarbonate mineral salts help neutralize acidic toxins in the tissues thanks to their buffering effect. According to Dr. Thomas P. Kennedy of the American Medical Association; “Replacing a saline infusion with a sodium bicarbonate solution before administering radio contrast material appears to reduce the possibility of suffering from neuropathy.”

  • Take 2 scoops of Phour Salts in a liter of alkaline water and drink three or four times a day.

A natural fungicide

Use as a natural bactericide or fungicide since Phour Salts alkaline mineral salts are very effective without having any side effects.

  • Add 3 scoops of Phour Salts to a liter of alkaline water and drink three to four times a day.

Fights bad odors

Store an open jar of Phour Salts in the refrigerator to neutralize bad odors and reduce acidic gas residue from passing foods.

Avoid flatulence

Phour Salts help reduce or eliminate flatulence caused by legumes, especially white beans.

  • Take 1 teaspoon of salts in 1 glass of water half an hour after the main meal.

To cook vegetables

Add 1 scoop of Phour Salts to hot water while cooking broccoli or cauliflower as it will keep the cooked vegetables crispy and maintain their electrical potential.

Pet care

Sprinkle Phour Salts on your hair and brush or comb it to avoid bad odor, it serves as protection between baths.

Healthy teeth

Brush your teeth with a little Phour Salts by adding it to a wet toothbrush to prevent acidic plaque and maintain fresh breath.

Skin care

Make a paste with three parts Phour Salts and one part water to make an effective and cheap skin exfoliator. Simply apply it to the skin with your fingers or a sponge and make gentle circular movements and then rinse.

To combat fungi in plants

Keep fungus, blackheads and powdery mildew away from your precious plants by mixing Phour Salts, horticultural oil and soap, and applying it to affected leaves.

  • Simply add 1 scoop of Phour Salts and a few drops of dish soap to three and a half liters of water and spray once a week and after it rains.

For heavy digestion

Drink a glass of water with a small scoop of Phour Salts just before eating a large, acidifying meal to buffer the acids in the food.

On an empty stomach

Drink a large glass of warm alkaline water (300ml) with 1 or 2 scoops of Phour Salts on an empty stomach as soon as you wake up to activate and cleanse the intestines and colon.

For the hangover

After a hangover, drink a large glass of alkaline water (300ml) with 2 scoops of Phour Salts to help eliminate the acidic residues of the alcohol. This mixture will also reduce the blood alcohol level when one has had too much to drink. Obviously, it is advisable to avoid alcohol as much as possible.


For muscle pain or inflammation, drink one and a half liters of alkaline water with 2 scoops of Phour Salts.

Sports performance

For athletes, before training: take 1 scoop of Phour Salts in half a liter of water before training.

  • Take 1 scoop during training and 1 scoop after training to avoid contractures and/or soreness and for a speedy recovery.

Ideal for students

For students who need to be mentally active and focused.

  • Drink 1 glass (250ml) of water with 1 teaspoon of salts before the study or an exam. Phour Salts combat mental exhaustion.
    Increase energy

For when there are power outages

  • Take 1 scoop of Phour Salts in 250ml of water.

Electromagnetic sensitivity

When there is electromagnetic sensitivity.

  • Take 1 or 2 scoops of Phour Salts dissolved in 1 liter of water and drink throughout the day.

Treat acne

To treat acne, make a paste with Phour Salts and alkaline water and cover your face. Leave it on for at least half an hour. Rinse with plenty of water.

To relax

To relax after a hard day of work.

  • Take a hot bath with 5 or 6 teaspoons of Phour Salts.

Ideal alkaline pH in urine and saliva

To maintain the alkaline pH of urine and saliva at 7.2 or above.

  • Drink one and a half liters of alkaline water with 3 scoops of Phour Salts throughout the day.


Alkaline CareAlkalinity and healthEssential mineralspHour SaltsProducts

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