Science of alkalinity

pHour Salts is your natural anti-inflammatory

Alkaline Care mineral salts are considered anti-inflammatory for several reasons that are related to their alkalizing properties and mineral composition. Discover why pHour Salts…

What our cells need to be healthy

You’ve probably heard the saying “we are what we eat,” but in truth, we are rather what we can absorb at the cellular level.…

Why athletes drink alkaline water

One of the keys to staying healthy and alkaline is to practice sports regularly. In today’s article, we are going to talk about elite…

A new way to understand health

Some scientists have stated that low-grade acidosis, or chronic acidosis, in the body is at the root of all diseases, inflammation, and pain because…

The stomach is more than a digestive organ

In this article, we are goin to discuss the stomach from a different perspective, as there are different scientific approaches about its functioning. Additionally,…