A new way to understand health

Some scientists have stated that low-grade acidosis, or chronic acidosis, in the body is at the root of all diseases, inflammation, and pain because it compromises the internal environment. In this article, we will explain a new way of understanding health, the importance of the body’s internal environment, and how to take care of it. A new way to understand health.

Renowned scientists and doctors, such as Dr. Otto Warburg (Nobel Prize winner in 1931), suggested that tumors and diseases develop in a poorly oxygenated and more acidic environment. Similarly, Dr. Alfred Pischinger (father of Histology, 1899-1982) emphasized the importance of pH balance in the extracellular space:

Health and disease originate in this space around all the cells in the body. Its pH must be alkaline, a fundamental prerequisite for optimal cellular and overall body health.

A new way to understand health

Think of your body as a fish tank

Imagine for a moment that the fish are like the cells swimming in their fluids (water), where food and oxygen are transported, and toxins are eliminated.

If we pollute the water with too much acidic food, lack of oxygen, and environmental toxins, the fish tank’s water will become acidic and saturate the filters. The pH of the environment will drop, creating a more acidic, poorly oxygenated, and unhealthy environment, putting the health of the “fish”—that is, the cells and organs—at risk.

In a more acidic and less oxygenated environment, the fish will become ill and enventually may even die. In this case, what would you do, treat the fish or clean the water? Obviously, you would change the water. The same is true for our bodies. We need to cleanse, oxygenate, and nourish the internal environment to recover and maintain our health.

Albert Szent-Györgyi (Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, 1937) said:

The body is alkaline by design, yet all its functions and metabolism are acidic

He was referring to the fact that all of the body’s metabolic processes produce large amounts of acidic metabolites. Despite this, to function properly, cells and tissues need an alkaline environment, and the body will do what ever it takes to maintain its alkaline design and keep its  pH balanced.

All bodily functions produce acidic metabolites that must be neutralized and properly eliminated throughout the four elimination pathways (urine, feces, sweat, and respiration). Practically speaking, this means the body needs an alkaline fuel, and acids are generated as a byproduct of all human activities.

What Causes Low-Grade Acidosis?

As mentioned before, acidosis is caused not only by the body’s own metabolic functions but also by imbalanced diets, stress, prolonged negative emotions, sedentary lifestyle, medications, and exposure to electromagnetic waves and environmental toxins (air, water, or pesticide-laden foods).

Often, the symptoms are barely noticeable, depending on the level of acidosis. The good news is that we can reverse this acidic state by taking responsibility and choosing an alkaline lifestyle.

How to Detect when we are axidic

The body cannot tolerate an acidic state for long. Acidification manifests in nine phases:

  1. Lack of energy and vitality.
  2. Bad mood and irritability.
  3. Lack of mental clarity (brain fog).
  4. Mucus and congestion.
  5. Weak immune system.
  6. Inflammation and pain.
  7. Hardening of soft tissues (fibromyalgia, arteriosclerosis, arthritis).
  8. Ulcers.
  9. Chronic degenerative diseases.

In the early stages of acidosis, symptoms may not be very intense, manifesting as:

  • Skin rashes
  • Migraines
  • Allergies
  • Colds
  • Flu and sinusitis

As acidosis progresses, things become more complicated, leading to dysfunctions of the thyroid and adrenal glands, and liver. If the pH of the tissues becomes even more acidic, oxygen levels decrease, and cellular metabolism stops. In other words, the cells die.

How to Promote an Alkaline State?

Nutrition: Aim to eliminate the most acidic foods like sugar, white flour, red meat, processed foods, trans fats, and cola drinks. Increase your intake of vegetables and leafy greens, fruits, seeds, and high-quality proteins.

To optimize your intake of leafy greens, you can use an alkaline superfood packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants: Alkaline 16 Greens. Just one scoop a day provides the equivalent of half a kilogram of vegetables.

Take Chlorophyll: Chlorophyll is key to helping you maintain your alkaline design because it delivers oxigen into the cells, helps get rid of heavy metals and acids from the blood and tissues, and contributes to total detoxification.

Stay Hydrated: This is also crucial to remain alkaline and healthy. Drink alkaline water every day, between 5 and 8 glasses daily. Water acts as a soap that cleans and deeply hydrates all your organs. You can make your own alkaline water at home easily by using PuripHy.

Remineralize to the Max: Minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium are essential for balancing your pH, as well as providing instant energy. By taking Phour Salts daily, you provide your body with the four essential alkaline minerals needed to stay healthy and alkaline.

Detox yourself: Another major pillar of alkalinity is detoxing or purifying the filters, such as the liver and colon. Since the blood from the entire body passes through the liver every three minutes, keeping the liver clean and decongested is crucial for maintaining alkalinity.

For this, you have the 30-Day Detox Pack, which includes three wonderful products that will cleanse the liver, colon, and blood.

By practicing these five principles, you can take care of yourself holistically for life. The results will be magnificent as you’ll be able to prevent inflammation, pain, and disease. Try i tan you´ll see!

Alkaline 16 GreensAlkaline CareAlkaline dietAlkaline waterAlkalinity and healthEssential mineralsHephatic CareLiquid chlorophyllLiver detoxpHour SaltsPuriphyScience of alkalinity

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