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Pack Renew Yourself

In 3 steps in 90 days


We propose a simple, basic plan, with natural ingredients so that you can cleanse gently and thoroughly and feel more vital.

  • Balance your weight
  • Perform a multi-phase cleaning
  • Strengthen your defenses

Our body has several organs designed to eliminate toxins, and, of course, balance its pH level too, namely: intestines, liver, kidneys, and skin. Discover the benefits of the new Renew Yourself Pack.

Pack Renew Yourself

Probably you may be wondering, where and how to start?

Alkaline Care offers you a simple basic plan with natural ingredients plant based,  to cleanse and “reset” yourself gently and thoroughly, ”  to recover your vitality and wellbeing.

  • First: perform a general detox. Ideally, it´s very beneficial to carry out a deep cleansing at least once or twice a year to support our body with its intestinal, liver and general detoxification process.
  • Second: lean out body fat in a healthy way. Many toxins in our body are stored as fat, especially in the abdominal area.
  • Third: boost the immune system. Toxin overload alerts and weakens the immune system.

Three products to detoxify yourself:

HepHatic Care: natural plant based compounds with vitamins, amino acids and plants, in liquid format, sugar free, which contributes to detoxify the liver.

Phlush: formula with vitamins, plants and L-Glutamine, which helps get rid of excessive mucus stored in the intestine.

Mint-flavoured liquid chlorophyll: mulberry leaf extract, which helps on a general level. Its antioxidant and chelating qualities contribute to oxygenate and get rid of toxins and heavy metals.

Read the article What can you feel during the detox process.

It includes:

  • Hepatic Care
  • pHlush
  • Liquid Chlorophyll with Mint


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