What can you feel during the detox process

In previous articles, we’ve been discusing the importance of doing a cleanse, a Detox at least a couple of times per year. When you decide to embark on a Detox and commit to yourself, you feel great for the achievement. However, even though the effort has been worthwhile, you may have encountered some difficulties, making you wonder whether to continue or not. In this article, I’ll explain what can you feel during the detox process.

What can you feel during the detox process

Detox effect

During the cleansing process, we may experience what is called the Detox effect or cleansing effect, also known as the Herxheimer effect.

When we start to detoxify the liver, colon, and blood with a specific diet such as the alkaline one or through fasting, all the toxins that were once in the cells, organs, and fatty tissue begin to be released and pass into the blood. Subsequently these detoxins are expelled through the 4 pathways: urine, feces, respiration, and sweat.

Sudden Mood Swings

For many people, eating is a way to emotionally reward themselves and compensate for emotional deficiencies. Nobody rewards themselves by overeating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables, but rather with acidic and addictive things like sugar, refined carbohydrates (bread, cookies), ice cream, and cheese. Does it sound familiar to you?

So, during the Detox process, one is faced with a true emotional storm that makes many people give up. And above all this, we must add how it can affect our social life during this period, since during the Detox there are many things we cannot take, as for example  alcohol, carbonated drinks and dairy.

If this is your case, try taking Ashwagandha, an adaptogen that on the one hand produces tranquility and on the other provides energy. It boosts the immune system and combines perfectly well with a Detox since it neither raises blood glucose levels nor insulin nor breaks ketosis if you are fasting.

Lavender oil can also help you avoid anxiety and mood swings.

Extreme cravings for sugar

As mentioned before, sugar is very addictive, in fact, it is an “excitotoxin” that literally does what it says, that is, a toxin that excites the central nervous system, producing pleasure and a high on one hand, and neuronal death and a low on the other.

Like when we quit any drug, we experience withdrawal symptoms. In this case, we will feel irritable, fatigued, and with a lack of energy. This can confuse us and make us think that the Detox process isn´t going well and is harming us.

For this, there is nothing like taking essential alkaline electrolytes like pHour Salts as they produce a satiating effect, help get rid of sweet cravings, provide essential energy during purification, and help neutralize the momentary acidosis produced during the Detox process.

Tiredness and Fatigue

It is completely normal to feel tired and without  energy during a cleansing and fasting process, As many essential electrolytes such as sodium and potassium can drop. This can cause headaches, dizziness, brain fog and sadness. During fasting and Detox, glucagon is also released, blood glucose and insulin drop, which also contributes to the feeling of being emotionaly low and without energy.

Urine becomes more acidic

As we have already said, urine becomes more acidic because toxins and acidic substances are expelled through feces, urine, and sweat. But it doesn’t mean things are going wrong. Remember: in any Detox process, we may worsen at the beginning, but afterwards the improvement is substantial.

Have white coated tongue

It is very common that during a Detox our tongue becomes white and/or yellowish. Bacteria and toxins are also expelled through the mouth. But you shouldn’t worry because once everything is eliminated, the tongue regains its usual color.


In conclusion, when one starts with a Detox process, it is completely natural to experience unpleasant sensations at the beginning. In fact, it’s a very good sign as it indicates that we are effectively cleansing the body.

And remember, all these symptoms are temporary, so don’t give up and follow through til the end.

Alkaline CareAlkalinity and HealthDETOXDétox hepáticoFastingHealth benefitspHour Salts

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