Although detox plans and diets have been a trend for several years and are increasingly recognized as a healthy habit, it’s important to fully understand what a detox is, what it entails, and its objectives. In this article, we will guide you on how to prepare yourself for a detox.
A detox is a process based on a set of dietary and health guidelines aimed to help the body get rid of the accumulation or excess of toxins in it.
Cleansing the body periodically offers numerous benefits such as:
– Balance interstitial pH (fluid that surrounds our cells)
– Oxygenate the blood and tissues
– Help balance body weight
– Enhance self-esteem
– Restore vitality and energy
– Boost natural beauty by improving skin, hair, etc.
– Give the digestive system a rest and improve its function
It’s clear that cleansing from the inside brings several advantages from which you can benefit if you decide to start a detox. However, this healthy trend that´s gaining more followers every day, is just a starting point. It acts as a bridge to inspire and motivate people toward a deeper lifestyle change.
How to prepare yourself for a detox
There are several basic rules to follow before starting a detox, and it’s highly recommended to adhere to them. The main reason is that not everyone has the same level of toxicity in their body, and thus not everyone reacts in the same way to an intense cleanse. Some people may experience discomfort, headaches, congestion, or other mild symptoms as toxins are expelled.
Prepare yourself a few days before you start your detox will help you cleanse gradually and smoothly, preventing undesired symptoms caused by the expulsion of acids.
Moreover, incorporating these simple habits a few days before will also help you establish them as a permanent part of your daily routine.
Drink More Water
Water is our primary nutrient, essential not only to keep us well hydrated but also to help eliminate toxins and transport nutrients to the cells, among many other functions. Drinking abundant high-quality alkaline water is the first and most important habit to adopt to feel good!
Note: You can alkalize your water just with a few drops of PuripHy.
Replace Coffee with Tea
Although caffeine and theine are essentially the same molecule, tea is much healthier and less acidic than coffee. These two beverages affect the body differently after consumption because:
– Tea contains 1/4 the amount of theine compared to the caffeine in coffee.
– Tea has double the amount of polyphenols.
– Theine is absorbed more slowly.
Eliminate Sugar
Sugar is a highly refined and processed “food” that has lost all its minerals. It produces numerous residues after metabolization, weakens the immune system, depletes our alkaline resources, and is highly addictive. In fact, several studies show that consuming sugar regularly can cause an addiction similar to that of certain drugs.
You can substitute sugar with stevia, yacon syrup, birch sugar, or other natural sweeteners with a low glycemic index that haven’t been altered by industrial refining processes.
Choose Gluten-Free and Whole Grains
Gluten is a protein present in various grains, and in small amounts, our body should be able to process and metabolize it without issues. The problem arises from the manipulation of wheat, starting around the 1960s, which has dramatically increased the amount of gluten in this grain. Originally, the gluten content in wheat was about 5%, but today it represents 50% of the cereal.
Moreover, gluten is present in many pre-cooked and packaged foods, as wheat flour is one of the most common additives in today’s food industry.
Excess gluten in the diet can affect us in various ways, with the most common being digestive discomfort, such as gas, bloating, or constipation, among other symptoms.
For this reason, it is advisable to choose gluten-free grains that are easier to digest and, if possible, opt for whole grains, as they contain fiber and nutrients.
Legumes Instead of Meat
Another good habit to adopt before starting your detox is to reduce (or eliminate) meat, especially red and processed meats. The World Health Organization (WHO) recently issued a statement advising limiting meat intake, linking it to various health issues. Along with dairy products, meat is one of the animal-based foods that generates the most acidity in the body after being metabolized.
Plant-Based beberages
Plant-based alternatives are the ideal option compared to drinking conventional milk. They are an excellent choice for those aiming to follow a more alkaline, cleansing, and healthy diet. These alternatives provide bioavailable minerals such as calcium, healthy fats and quality fiber.
Eat more Raw Vegetables
Eating more raw vegetables will helps initiate the body’s cleansing process, thanks to:
– They contain chlorophyll which oxygenates and cleanses the blood and tissues.
– The contain fiber which is an excellent food for the friendly bacteria in the gut. Additionally, fiber helps trap, carry, and eliminate accumulated toxins throughout the digestive tract.
We can increase our vegetable intake by incorporating green juices or smoothies into breakfast, salads, soups, creams, etc.
Have dinner early
Having dinner early will allow you to go to bed with an empty stomach. When our digestive system is not working to process food, the body can focus on its cleansing and regeneration tasks, which occur mainly while we sleep.
These are the basic rules to get ready before your detox, though other practices will also help, such as getting proper rest/sleep, exercising moderately, meditating, or doing breathing exercises.
How far will you want to go or commit is up to you—the important thing is to get started!