Phour Salts to control blood pressure

We cannot live without healthy alkalizing salt. Salt is essential for human nutrition and physiological processes. It is important for our body and our health, like water or air. And our body contains around half a kilo of salt. Our blood, sweat, and tears contain salt. The same thing happens with saliva. In fact, all bodily fluids are salty. In today’s article, we explain everything you need to know about Phour Salts to control blood pressure.

Phour Salts to control blood pressure

Pure salt is made up of sodium and chlorine (hence its scientific name – sodium chloride – and its chemical symbol NaCl). In addition to their individual roles in the body, sodium and chlorine are used to accumulate magnesium, potassium, and calcium. These five elements are mineral salts and the primary forms of electrolytes (substances that conduct electricity in the body). These electrolytes carry out a complicated balance in the body to maintain hydration, blood pH, nerve and muscle function at optimal levels.

Salts also help to normalize blood volume in the body and regulate fluid pressure, including blood pressure. Salts also play an important role in making the heart beat correctly and in regulating metabolism. The body uses salt to make iron, from which it synthesizes the hemoglobin of red blood cells.

Types of mineral salts

  • Calcium salts help build strong bones.
  • Magnesium salts help balance body temperature.
  • Sodium and potassium salts maintain the proper balance of water in and around cells, regulate the acid-alkaline balance in our blood, and are necessary for proper muscle function.

Salt is important for the digestion of food. The body uses salt to synthesize sodium bicarbonate. And, of course, salt is famously implicated in blood pressure, but it does not cause hypertension. Dietary and metabolic acids do, when they are not properly eliminated through urination, defecation, perspiration and breathing. Blood pressure also naturally increases with age.

Salt is the key to reducing and normalizing blood pressure. Also to maintain a healthy heart rate below seventy beats per minute.

What happens if my body lacks mineral salts?

Without enough salt, we suffer from muscle cramps or weakness, dizziness, and exhaustion (and these are just the initial external signs that something is going wrong inside our body. In extreme cases, this can end up leading to seizures and even death). death. The concentration of salt in the blood must be kept constant, and the body has several ways to maintain this close control.

If you do not consume enough salt, the body will drastically reduce its excretion (through urine and sweat), but it nevertheless has to try to maintain the concentration of salt in the blood, which will increase water secretion. . You will become dehydrated, perhaps severely, and that can become a medical emergency. (Consumption of too much water can be harmful in a similar way if the water is acidic and is ingested in a way that upsets the salt balance.)

We all also have a role to play in keeping the salt concentration within the correct parameters. We must replace the salt consumed by our body to maintain normal health, vigor and alkalinity, so it should be a regular part of our regular diet, but we should not do it with the processed salts that most of us spread indiscriminately on our bodies. foods and certainly not with the sodium that processed foods of all kinds are packed with. You need alkalizing salts such as sea salts, cell salts, and mineral salts.

Quality salt

Despite the bad news about table salt, you can’t consume too much natural, unrefined salt. Salt that has not been processed or denatured, complete salt, full of minerals and containing all its natural elements is healthy and alkaline. This salt will provide us with potassium, calcium and magnesium and, in fact, every known mineral in at least trace amounts. What is even more crucial is that it will provide energy to the body. It acts as a catalyst in the transport of electrical energy from one cell to another. If that energy transfer is interrupted, you will die. Processed salts cannot conduct electricity.

Phour Salts

pHour Salts are a unique combination of four powerful salts (sodium bicarbonate, magnesium carbonate, potassium bicarbonate and calcium bicarbonate) that help maintain the body’s alkaline blueprint. After regular consumption with the appropriate amount of alkaline water, your energy and vitality levels will immediately increase. They have an antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, antitoxin, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic effect.

Alkaline CareAlkalinity and healthEssential mineralsEssentialsHealth benefitspHour SaltsProducts

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