pHour Salts is your natural anti-inflammatory

Alkaline Care mineral salts are considered anti-inflammatory for several reasons that are related to their alkalizing properties and mineral composition. Discover why pHour Salts is your natural anti-inflammatory!

pHour Salts is your natural anti-inflammatory

pHour Salts are a unique combination of four powerful carbonated mineral salts (sodium bicarbonate, magnesium carbonate, potassium bicarbonate and calcium bicarbonate). This combination helps increase the levels of minerals in our body, providing instant significant results to improve the health and general well-being of the body.

Accounts with three formats: 180gr for 30 days, 450gr for 75 days and 720gr for 120 days, approximately.

Why pHour Salts have an anti-inflammatory effect

Here are the key factors that contribute to its anti-inflammatory effects:

  1. Alkalizing Effect: These salts help maintain an acid-base balance in the body. A less acidic (more alkaline) body environment can reduce inflammation, as many inflammatory diseases are associated with a low body pH (higher acidity).
  2. Essential Minerals: Alkaline Care mineral salts usually contain essential minerals such as magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium. These minerals are important for cellular function and may have direct anti-inflammatory effects. For example:
    – Magnesium: It has anti-inflammatory properties and is crucial for muscle and nerve function.
    – Calcium: Helps in cell signaling and immune function.
    – Potassium: Regulates fluid balance and may help reduce water retention, which is sometimes associated with inflammation.
    – Sodium: Although too much can be harmful, in adequate amounts it is essential to maintain electrolyte balance and muscle function.
  3. Reduced Oxidative Stress: Alkaline minerals can help reduce oxidative stress, a factor that contributes to inflammation. Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the body’s ability to neutralize them with antioxidants.
  4. Improved Digestive Health: A balanced pH can improve digestive health, which in turn can reduce systemic inflammation. A healthy digestive system is less prone to inflammation and infections.
  5. Immune System Function: Maintaining optimal body pH can help the immune system function more efficiently, which can reduce excessive inflammatory response to infections or injuries.


In summary, Alkaline Care mineral salts contribute to the reduction of inflammation by improving the body’s acid-base balance, providing essential minerals that have anti-inflammatory properties, reducing oxidative stress, and supporting better digestive and immune function.

Alkaline CareAlkalinity and healthEssential mineralspHour SaltsProductsScience of alkalinity

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