Build your muscles with an alkaline diet

Today we are going to talk about sports, the importance of nutrition, how to improve sports performance and avoid injuries with the alkaline diet. Build your muscles with an alkaline diet.

As Albert Szent-Györgyi, 1937 Nobel Prize winner, said: The body is alkaline by design, but its functions and metabolism are acidifying. Which means that:

  • The body needs an alkaline environment and will do everything it can to keep its pH slightly alkaline.
  • Acids are the result of the body’s metabolic functions (waste or toxins) that should be expelled.
  • Health and disease depend directly on the body’s pH level.

However, due to imbalance in diets, which tend to be acidifying, modern lifestyle, stress, excessive intake of medications and environmental pollution, we tend to become acidic. If this unbalanced state persists over time, we can develop “low-grade metabolic acidosis.” Excess acidity favors the development of physical and emotional diseases, muscle contractures, pain and inflammation.

In a more alkaline internal environment there is more oxygen and inflammation and pain disappear.

Build your muscles with an alkaline diet

And if we talk about sports, a more alkaline pH becomes even more relevant since it increases sports performance, resistance and muscle mass, less wear and tear occurs, injuries are reduced and recovery after effort is faster. So how do you encourage a more alkaline state?


It is often said that we are what we eat and to a certain extent that is true. Increase your intake of vegetables and fruits. Make sure that a good proportion of these is raw since cooking eliminates essential vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and antioxidants. Implement the consumption of dark green leafy vegetables as they contain a large amount of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll oxygenates tissues, improves blood quality, strengthens muscles and resistance, increases red blood cells and hematocrit, in addition to promoting general purification of the body.

Alkaline foods and drinks (green juices, green smoothies), especially if they are not cooked, are loaded with electrons, negative ions, which allow their vital energy to penetrate at the cellular level.

Avoid highly acidifying foods such as sugar, refined carbohydrates, dairy products and red meat. Meat is pro-inflammatory as it contains arachidonic acid, it produces ammonia in the digestive tract, which alters the intestinal bacterial flora, favoring a putrefactive microflora instead of a fermentative one.

There is a myth that you can only obtain proteins of high biological value with proteins of animal origin, however, this is not the case.

Plant-based proteins are just as effective as they contain all the essential amino acids. You can find them in legumes, brown rice, seeds, nuts and even vegetables as long as they are not cooked.

In short, the advantages and benefits of plant-based proteins:

  • They are less acidifying as they are accompanied by more mineral salts, vitamins, antioxidants and enzymes.
  • They contain less fat and it is unsaturated (healthier).
  • They do not contain cholesterol.
  • They have less purines and are eliminated better.
  • They provide fiber.
  • They are easy to digest.
  • They protect the intestinal bacterial flora.

And if you want to increase your muscle mass and strength, you can reinforce your diet with superfoods based on organic soy protein, pea protein, brown rice and hemp protein. There are many elite vegan athletes who testify to this, such as:

Novak Djokovic, professional tennis player with 24 Grand Slams behind him, attests that a vegan diet has many benefits.


This aspect is also crucial. Drink 1 liter of alkaline water half an hour before doing sports. You can add PuripHy alkaline drops as they will optimize your water. You can also add chlorophyll and Alkaline 16 Greens to maximize it.

These are the benefits of alkaline water:

  • Oxygenates tissues.
  • Increases sports performance.
  • Prevents lactic acid from accumulating in the “sore” tissues.
  • Safely eliminates toxins.
  • Neutralizes free radicals.
  • It hydrates much more (less need to drink) since it has a greater penetration capacity.


Taking the right electrolytes before and during training will make a big difference. We recommend taking Phour Salts alkaline mineral salts for all these reasons:

  1. When we exercise we eliminate acid metabolites, toxins, important electrolytes and alkalizing mineral salts through sweat that must be replaced.
  2. They promote electrical conductivity (nervous impulses) and muscle contractions. They prevent muscle soreness and contractures.
  3. They contain the 4 basic mineral salts: Ca, Mg, Na, K.
  4. They provide ATP energy instantly, reduce fatigue, increase muscle strength and speed.
  5. They are very important because without them, vitamins and alkalizing buffers would not be able to function properly.

To avoid soreness, take 1 to 2 scoops of mineral salts per liter, half an hour before starting the workout, and at the end of the workout, take another, especially if it has been hard.

In conclusion, if you are an athlete or are planning to play a sport, I encourage you to follow an alkaline diet since you will have more energy and vitality, more strength and physical resistance. A vegan alkaline diet will help you reduce inflammation, reduce pain, minimize contractures and recover sooner after training.

Alkaline 16 GreensAlkaline CareAlkaline waterAlkalinity and healthEnergy and vitalityEssential mineralsLiquid chlorophyllpHour SaltsPuriphySport

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