Live feeding with Alkaline 16 Greens

In this article, we will talk about the benefits of live feeding with Alkaline 16 Greens. Live feeding (raw) is also known as raw food. A way of eating while preserving the nature of all the biochemical compounds in food.

Live feeding with Alkaline 16 Greens

The benefits of live feeding

It is basically about eating raw foods since, in this way, all their vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, electrons are maintained. That is, they keep your information intact.

Raw foods are alive and therefore contain more energy than when they are cooked. When we cook food, the heat destroys its life force, vitamins and enzymes.

An organic food will have more nutritional substances if it is consumed raw.

According to Ayurvedic medicine, cooking changes the biochemical structure of those foods that are alkalizing, known as satvic foods (those that help keep the body healthy and away from disease) and transforms them into acidifying and more tamasic foods (they are those that slow down the mind, numb the senses).

Live food refers to the vital energy that exists in raw and whole food with respect to refined, cooked foods, etc., which have lost their energy after being harvested.

Various research indicates that cooking food eliminates up to 60% of its vitamins and minerals and 9% of its phytonutrients.

It is important that all diets provide adequate hydration.

The benefits of Alkaline Greens

The optimal diet must be adapted to the constitution and age of each individual. This diet should be made up of 80% raw (live), organic foods, rich in minerals and with a low glycemic index.

When we eat raw foods in the form of vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts we also lengthen the half-life of our cells and promote the alkaline design of our body. For this reason, at Alkaline Care we designed Alkaline 16 Greens, a very effective way to take a green superfood daily composed of vegetables, greens and herbs dehydrated at low temperatures.

We also recommend always accompanying your dishes with a good multicolored salad or some vegan raw recipe.

How to take Alkaline 16 Greens

With just 1 or 2 scoops of Alkaline 16 Greens you exponentially increase your intake of raw vegetables. Ideal for people, at any age, who need to increase their consumption of fresh vegetables, either due to their personal needs or their health conditions, such as during times of convalescence or stages of growth (children and adolescents). They are also great for athletes of all ages. In this article, we explain how to take Alkaline 16 Greens correctly.

Foods dehydrated at a low temperature preserve all their good nutritional properties.


Alkaline 16 GreensEssential mineralsHealth benefitsImmune systemProteinsSuper foodsVegetarian diet

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