Alkaline foods

Raw Spinach Soup Recipe

When we eat raw plant based foods we absorb much more all the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and other nutrients contained in the…

Pumpkin cream for autumn

In autumn, we say goodbye to the beach, to fresher foods and colder drinks, giving way to warmer and more comforting foods. The holidays…

Benefits of avocado oil

Avocado oil has gained popularity in recent years, not only as an ingredient in cooking, but also as an ally in health and well-being.…

Fresh, healthy and easy summer recipes

In today’s article, we present different summer foods to eat healthy and compensate for the excesses of summer. The high temperatures invite us to…

Tomato carpaccio recipe

Summer is here and with this splendid season comes wonderful fruits and vegetables. Today we bring a very alkaline tomato carpaccio recipe, simple to…