Alkaline foods

Goodbye to tightness with PuripHy

The dreaded “soreness” (delayed myalgia or delayed onset muscle pain) is a very common muscle injury that appears after having practiced intense exercise or…

Custard apple yogurt

In the middle of the cherimoya season, we want to share with you all the benefits that this fruit brings to our body. It…

The alkaline power of celery

Celery leaves have a high content of vitamin A (a powerful anti-acidifier), while the stalks are an excellent source of vitamins B1, B2, B6…

Chickpea burger with quinoa

Today we bring you an alkalizing recipe, delicious and very easy to prepare. It will help you tone your adrenal glands and revitalize you,…

The alkaline diet helps you look younger

We already know that following an alkaline diet improves the muscular, skeletal and cardiovascular system, helps maintain optimal levels of calcium in the blood,…