How to take care of your skin in summer

With high temperatures, our skin suffers. With sun exposure, the skin dries out, so it is important to take care of it to keep it healthy, prevent premature aging and long-term skin problems. Adequate sun protection, hydration and high-quality cosmetic products will be key. Discover how to take care of your skin in summer!

How to take care of your skin in summer

The skin is the largest organ in the body whose main functions are: protecting us from external factors (infections) and thermoregulation through the pores. Furthermore, the skin acts as an osmotic membrane, that is, it is an organ for eliminating toxins and absorbing anything we put on it. The sense of touch is in the skin: we can feel pleasure and pain. Another great function of the skin is the synthesis of vitamin D.

The skin’s elimination organs are the liver (colon), kidneys, and lungs.

The body’s pH is the barometer of the state of our skin

When we eliminate toxins through the skin and our body has an unbalanced pH, we experience these symptoms:

  • Irritation
  • Acne
  • Fungus
  • Stains
  • Warts
  • Premature aging
  • Premature wrinkles and sallow color

What to do to take care of my skin in summer

In summer, with the heat and sun, the skin becomes dry and dehydrated much more easily. What can we do to take care of our skin during this time?

Healthy nutrition

We will never tire of insisting on this point since what we eat has a direct impact on the health and beauty of our skin. First of all, try to avoid, as much as possible, sugar and sugary products (soft drinks, ice cream, alcohol and refined flours). These promote early aging by producing AGES (advanced glycation). AGES are proteins modified in the body’s tissues and plasma by blood sugar that react with collagen and elastin fibers, accelerating aging.

Therefore, this summer try to follow an alkaline diet rich in seasonal vegetables and fruits. They will provide you with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes… true skin-beautifying nutrients!

Take ½ teaspoon of MSM every day, an organic sulfur-based mineral, known as the beauty mineral as it helps the formation of collagen, elastin and keratin.


In summer, we need to replace the water we lose through sweat. Through water, we regulate body temperature and hydrate all our organs, including the skin. An essential for beauty, youth and smoothness of the skin!

Alkaline water is rich in minerals, essential electrolytes. It promotes the elimination of toxins as it acts as an internal soap; helps the absorption of nutrients by having a greater penetration capacity at the cellular level. It is also a natural antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and AGES.

Drink at least 8 glasses of alkaline water a day and you will see how good you feel.


Liquid chlorophyll will also be a great indispensable ally for your skin during this summer, since in addition to helping to oxygenate all your tissues and skin, it dramatically promotes the elimination of toxins and heavy metals. Chlorophyll, thanks to its beta carotene content, protects the skin from the sun and helps provide a golden and elegant tan. If you take chlorophyll every day you can say goodbye to acne and skin impurities.

Some of its benefits:

  • It has an alkalizing effect (neutralizes acids in tissues).
  • It heals both mucous membranes, wounds, sores and improves the skin.
  • It contains beta carotene that protects the skin against free radicals and UVA rays, promoting a uniform tan.
  • Helps regenerate skin and hair, restoring their shine and vitality.
  • It is an antioxidant, preventing premature aging (especially during the summer heat).

Use natural cosmetics

As we mentioned before, the skin acts as an osmotic membrane, which means that everything we apply to it will penetrate into the blood. Hence the importance of avoiding certain cosmetics that contain toxic substances and preservatives such as PEG, Lauryl Sulfate or Triclosan, among others. Always use cosmetics and sunscreens that do not contain parabens, pthalates, silicones, paraffins or synthetic perfumes. In this way, you will take care of your skin healthily and avoid endocrine disruptors that negatively affect our health.

For this you have the extraordinary beauty and health products of Dulkamara Bamboo. Totally ecological products designed to meet the most demanding needs. If you have very sensitive skin or are prone to allergies, this is your brand. Dulkamara respects the natural pH of the skin, caring for and beautifying it.

Bamboo Saps have 5 actions in 1: it is a facial cleanser and makeup remover (face and eyes), decongestant tonic, nourishing, antioxidant and nourishing serum, it helps drain heavy metals from the epidermis, thus reducing oxidative stress in the skin.

With the Hydro-Nourishing Facial Cream you get super hydrated and deeply nourished skin. It provides elasticity and resistance to external changes both in summer and winter. It also helps reduce wrinkles.

And of course, in summer you cannot miss the Bioprotector FP20, a very high-end sunscreen, with biological filters that absorb and neutralize free radicals produced by the effect of solar radiation with great antioxidant power.

In conclusion, to have beautiful and hydrated skin it is always important to take care of yourself from the inside out with an alkaline lifestyle. If you are persistent you will see the results, you will notice them and they will notice them.

Alkaline CareAlkaline dietAlkaline foodsAlkaline waterAlkalinity and healthAnti agingHealth benefitsLiquid chlorophyllNatural cosmeticsPuriphyToxics to avoid

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