Essential minerals

Hyperacidity weakens you

Excess acid metabolites in the body (low-grade acidosis) is a condition that negatively affects all systems in our body. Low-grade acidosis forces our body…

A new way to understand health

Some scientists have stated that low-grade acidosis, or chronic acidosis, in the body is at the root of all diseases, inflammation, and pain because…

How to prevent and treat osteoporosis

In today’s article, we will talk about osteoporosis, what it is and how we can prevent and address it effectively with an alkaline lifestyle.…

How stress can damage your brain

In these busy and demanding times, many people suffer from anxiety, depression and chronic stress. Anxiety and stress are caused by negative thoughts and…

Alkaline supplements for diabetes

Currently, diabetes affects more people, especially in the Western world. Diabetes knows no age, and there are different types, such as type I and…

The stomach is more than a digestive organ

In this article, we are goin to discuss the stomach from a different perspective, as there are different scientific approaches about its functioning. Additionally,…