Phour Salts to relieve hangover

Today’s article is very interesting since we are going to talk about the importance of being well remineralized, what minerals are crucial for your health, what benefits they can bring you and their multiple uses that you may not have even imagined. Most hangovers go away within 24 hours. Electrolyte solutions (such as sports drinks) and a broth are good for replacing salts and potassium lost from alcohol consumption. In this article we tell you why take Phour Salts to relieve a hangover.

Phour Salts to relieve hangover

In previous articles we have told you the importance of keeping our pH balanced and how to prevent low-grade acidosis. Acid toxins that we do not expel properly accumulate in the interstitial fluid. When this occurs, our cells cannot absorb oxygen properly, causing fatigue, lack of energy, and accumulation of visceral and superficial fat. Being alkaline is crucial for cells to be able to absorb oxygen and generate ATP energy.

When we alkalize ourselves through our lifestyle (diet, hydration and remineralization) the body can deal with toxins by eliminating them properly, oxygenating itself and producing enough ATP energy to face any contingency, since among others, the metabolism is activated. .

One of the essential keys to staying alkaline is taking minerals like Phour Salts that contain the 4 essential macromolecules: sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. They are essential electrolytes that promote electrical conductivity, nerve impulses, muscle contractions, generate ATP energy and allow the correct functioning of the sodium/potassium pump in cells.

What you will notice if you take Phour Salts daily:

  • You will become alkalized as they have a buffering effect.
  • They produce a satiating effect which helps avoid sweet cravings, so they are ideal when you want to lose weight or maintain it.
  • They provide instant energy and put us in a good mood.
  • Helps eliminate toxins from fatty tissue.
  • They help avoid glycemic peaks, early aging due to glycation and insulin spikes.
  • They prevent fluid retention.
  • Improve digestion and intestinal transit
  • They help improve intestinal microflora.
  • They activate the metabolism.


And taking Phour Salts in summer helps us balance blood pressure, avoiding the sudden drops in tension so characteristic of the summer season.

Why Phour Salts are good for a hangover

Today, we also want to share with you an infallible trick that you are going to love. Did you know that by taking 1 scoop of Phour Salts diluted in a large glass of water half an hour before going out to dinner and having a few too many drinks, you can avoid the famous hangover?

Phour Salts has the ability to prepare the internal soil, making it more resistant to alcohol on the one hand, and on the other hand, it helps to neutralize the acid residues that it generates with its corresponding deterioration. Our advice is to take 1 scoop before going out and 1 scoop after having drunk or having had a big meal. You will see what a difference.

By putting this into practice you will recover much sooner and avoid low-grade acidosis and indigestion.

Try it and you’ll see how wonderful it is! Don’t miss out on Phour Salts mineral salts this summer.

Alkaline CareAlkalinity and healthEssential mineralsEssentialsHealth benefitspHour Salts

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