How to recharge your energy detoxifying your body

For many of us, September marks a “back-to-school” moment, even though our school days are long behind us. With it, we start a new season, setting fresh intentions, goals, and challenges. We bid farewell to summer and the holiday season, which brought joy but often also indulgences that leave us feeling heavier and paradoxically drained of energy. How to Recharge Your Energy Detoxifying Your Body.

Perhaps we indulged a little too much in that refreshing beer or enjoyed foods we don’t normally eat, like sugary ice creams, soft drinks, refined White flours “carbohidrates” and processed foods. These are acidic and contribute to oxidative stress at the cellular level.

So September is the perfect time to embrace a simple detox, allowing us to feel lighter and more energized as we prepare for autumn and kickstart the year on the right foot.

How to recharge your energy detoxifying your body

The Impact of Toxins

Toxins create oxidative stress in the cells, interfering with their natural detoxification process, particularly in the liver—the body’s laboratory. The liver is responsible for eliminating substances like medication and other xenobiotics (toxic substances in our environment that disrupt hormones and cause other health issues).

When the body is burdened with toxins, we often feel less energetic—a reality that affects motivation to engage in daily activities. This lack of energy can even leave us feeling downhearted. In fact, you might notice that people with less energy often tend to feel more depressed, while those with abundant vitality exude joy.

A cleaner, more oxygenated cellular environment leads to better cellular function. With reduced cellular oxidation, we feel lighter both physically and mentally, with energy to “move mountains” and tackle challenges with ease.

When we’re energized, everything feels different.

Simple Steps to Recharge yourself

Alkaline foods, such as antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, are our greatest allies. But there are other actions you can take to cleanse and oxygenate your body from within. The body regenerates cells constantly—approximately 300 billion cells renew themselves each day. Providing the right support ensures optimal health and vitality.

Here are some easy tips to help you “reset” your cells, fight against oxidation, eliminate toxins and recover your energy, mood, and mental clarity.

Exercise Regularly

Engage in regular physical activity, 2–3 times per week for at least 30 minutes, it´s highly beneficial. Aim for 10 minutes of high-intensity exercise followed by 20 minutes of moderate-intensity activity, like walking. Exercise oxygenates the body, improves blood circulation and promotes toxin elimination through sweat.

An interesting fact: Exercise boosts the production of endogenous antioxidants like glutathione, which neutralizes stress. Additionally, regular exercise increases energy levels and releases endorphins—the “happiness hormones.”

Moreover, consistent exercise improves sleep quality, and nothing replenishes energy like a good night’s sleep.

Get Enough Sleep

Aim for 7–8 hours of sleep each night, ideally going to bed before midnight.

Restorative sleep is essential for cellular regeneration and metabolic regulation.

Meditate for 10 Minutes a Day

Incorporate meditation or mindfulness for about 10–20 minutes each morning. You’ll feel much better, focused and calm—and your cells will thank you.

Follow the 80/20 Rule

Eat a nutrient-rich cocktail of antioxidants daily by following the 80/20 rule. Fill 80% of your plate with alkaline foods—vegetables, greens, and fruits, mostly raw to maximize their nutritional properties. Think of the rainbow: each color offers unique antioxidants and benefits.

The remaining 20% can include less alkaline but healthy options like legumes, tofu, quinoa, fish or eggs, depending on your preferences.

Avoid highly acidic and inflammatory foods as much as possible, such as sugar, refined carbohidrates, dairy, processed red meats, snacks and sugary soft drinks.

With autumn upon us, it’s time to introduce warm dishes like soups and broths. Here’s a delicious alkaline detox soup recipe for you!

Detox Soup Recipe

This vegetable soup enriched with parsley is highly purifying, nutritious, and easy to prepare.

Ingredients (for 1–1.5 liters of broth):

  • 250 g mushrooms
  • 75–100 g leek
  • 1 whole green pepper (50 g)
  • ½ small onion (100 g)
  • 2 carrots (100 g each)
  • 50 g celery (2 stalks)
  • 250 g turnip
  • 1 medium tomato (125 g)
  • 2–3 sprigs of parsley (3–5 g)
  • 1 dried bay leaf
  • 5 black peppercorns
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 6 tbsp olive oil
  • 1.5 liters of water


  1. Wash all the vegetables thoroughly and cut them into small pieces.
  2. Heat a little olive oil in a stainless steel pot (avoid aluminum utensils for their toxicity).
  3. Sauté the onion and leek lightly—no need to overcook.
  4. Add the rest of the vegetables and spices, mixing them well to infuse them with the flavor of the sautéed onion and leek.
  5. After 5 minutes add the water—avoid tap water, as chlorine and other chemicals diminish the soup’s nutritional and flavor properties.
  6. Add parsley for a boost of vitamin C, which aids detoxification and immunity.
  7. Once the water boils, reduce the heat to low, cover, and simmer gently for 10–15 minutes to preserve the vegetables’ vitamins and minerals.

Serve at a temperature no higher than 40°C for better digestion. Extremely hot or cold foods interfere with digestive enzymes.


Ideally, enjoy this soup twice daily for at least one week, before lunch and dinner. You’ll feel the difference!

Alkaline dietDetoxEnergy and vitalitySeasons

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