Balance your weight with Phour Salts

Today’s topic is very interesting: Balance your weight with Phour Salts. Certain minerals are essential for the proper functioning of the body and can also help us lose weight.

First of all, you should know that the key is alkalinity. Today, our hectic lifestyle, processed Western diet, and environmental toxins cause our tendency to suffer from low-grade latent acidosis. That is, a slow and gradual accumulation of toxins in the interstitial fluid and fatty tissue. On the one hand, these toxins accumulate in visceral fat (organs) and can cause serious pathologies; and, on the other hand, they can be located in the superficial fat (abdomen, thighs, waist, etc.).

Alkalize your body to lose weight

By alkalizing your body, you will achieve the following:

  1. Eliminate acid toxins
  2. Oxygenate the tissues
  3. Generate more ATP energy

Consequently, you activate the metabolism, keep blood glucose at bay, reduce inflammation and pain, and eliminate fluid retention. In short, you manage to lose weight!

A holistic approach

  • Follow an alkaline diet rich in vegetables, seasonal fruits and vegetables, seeds and legumes.
  • Maintain adequate hydration with alkaline water.
  • Carry out a liver and colon detox with Hephatic Care at least twice a year.
  • Perform intermittent fasting.
  • Remineralization with Phour Salts, which contain the 4 basic minerals, macro molecules essential for life itself, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium in the form of bicarbonates and carbonates.

Our own body manufactures bicarbonates. Therefore, a healthy body has alkaline reserves, minerals to neutralize acids, detoxify and maintain acid/base balance. But, if we do not provide the body with these minerals adequately through what we consume, these reserves (bones, muscles and blood) will be depleted.

On the other hand, you should know that our blood is similar to isotonic seawater. That is, it contains all the minerals essential for life: electrolytes essential for micro electrical conductivity in cells, nervous impulses and muscle contractions. In addition, they are essential to generate ATP energy at the cellular level.

How you can balance your weight with Phour Salts

You may be wondering how Phour Salts (alkaline minerals) can help you lose weight. Take note:

  • They are alkalizing (buffer effect).
  • They provide ATP energy thanks to their magnesium and potassium content, which helps activate the metabolism.
  • They help neutralize acid metabolites that cause fat accumulation in the body.
  • They help eliminate fluid retention.
  • They prevent sweet cravings, glycemic and insulin spikes, and subsequent fat accumulation.
  • They improve digestion and regulate intestinal transit, accelerating its emptying. Going to the bathroom every day is also crucial for losing weight.
  • They improve the intestinal bacterial flora, very important for regulating weight.
  • Prevents the depletion of alkaline mineral reserves in the body.
  • They have a rejuvenating effect since in a more alkaline environment the cells can repair their DNA and the Telomeres lengthen and live longer.
  • By providing instant energy, it also improves mood, which is essential if we are in the process of losing weight.

What are you waiting for? Try Phour Salts and start balancing your weight!




Alkaline dietAlkaline waterAlkalinity and healthAnti agingDigestive well-beingEnergy and vitalityEssential mineralsFastingHephatic CareLiver detoxLoose weightpHour SaltsPuriphy

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