We have previously commented on how important it is to play sports and exercise regularly to maintain the body’s natural alkaline design at any age. Today we will talk to you about the alkaline water for athletes and older adults.
In a study carried out at the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, it was found that regular physical exercise in elderly people reduces the risk of suffering from any type of dementia in old age, controlling tension and reducing it by up to 40%. the risk of mortality from cardiovascular diseases. Other benefits are an increase in cardiopulmonary, muscular and skeletal resistance, more strength, more mobility, coordination, increased response speed and improvement in homeostasis and adaptation to external stimuli.
By staying active, your mood improves, stress and insomnia are reduced.
The most recommended activities for older people would be:
- Walk
- Swim
- Pedaling a bicycle
- Row
- Climbing stairs
- Dancing (moderate difficulty routines)
The average human body is 70% water and as it ages its hydration and internal alkalinity decreases. So, drinking quality alkaline water will be essential at all ages, but especially in adulthood.
Alkaline water for athletes and older adults
Tips for good hydration in older people:
- Drink fluids regularly, even if you are not thirsty.
- Drink water during meals, to promote food intake.
- Drink between 4 and 6 glasses of liquids between meals.
- Accompany taking medications with at least 180 ml of water.
- Drink at least half a liter of alkaline water before practicing any exercise.
To make alkaline water in a simple and affordable way, you have PuripHy drops that not only alkalize the water, but revitalize it and add antioxidants capable of neutralizing free radicals. It is an extraordinary anti-aging ideal for athletes of all ages. It has a greater penetration capacity at the cellular level, is more hydrating, helps improve blood circulation and lubricate the joints. With only 6 drops per liter of water you get water with a pH between 8.5 and 9.
With Puriphy you add more life to your water and therefore, more vitality and energy to your body.
Living water and the blue zones
Henry Marie Coandă (Bucharest, 1886-1972), inventor, pioneer of aerodynamics and builder of the first aircraft powered by a jet engine, traveled to the Himalayas in the early 1930s and discovered the people of the Hunzas, a very long-lived and healthy people. For many years he was studying their diet and the water they drank to discover their secret.
One of the things he discovered was that the water they drank had unique properties, it came from the high mountains, it was very alkaline (rich in minerals) and its structure was hexagonal like snowflakes, which made it a powerful anti-oxidant. aging, capable of neutralizing free radicals and rejuvenating. Later it was discovered that there were more places in the world with very long-lived people, who in addition to leading a very healthy life, also drank this type of water from the high mountains.
It is clear, then, that drinking alkaline water is highly beneficial during sports, especially in the elderly, due to its antioxidant properties and electrolyte content. Alkaline water provides instant vitality and energy.