Fasting regenerates cells and strengthens the immune system

In today’s article, we will talk about the extraordinary benefits of fasting. Fasting means completely or partially abstaining from eating or drinking for some time to purify (detoxify) the body. Discover how fasting regenerates cells and strengthens the immune system.

Fasting is an ancient technique practiced by countless civilizations throughout history. Animals also practice it naturally.

Fasting regenerates cells and strengthens the immune system

The benefits of fasting are increasingly recognized. Periodic fasting promotes the regeneration of stem cells throughout the body, in the blood and the immune system. It has a very powerful anti-aging effect, while repairing DNA.

A study by Valter Longo, professor of Gerontology and Biological Sciences at the University of Southern California, noted:

When you fast, the body tries to save energy. And one of the things it does to save energy is it recycles a lot of the immune cells that it no longer needs, especially the ones that are damaged.

This study showed that temporary food restriction could increase the resistance of stem cells to certain stress factors and protect immune system cells. In addition, fasting has other multiple benefits such as helping the body eliminate acidic metabolites, cleansing all the body’s organs and blood, lowering, and even helping to eliminate, inflammation and eradicating diseases.

In the study mentioned above, during fasting periods they significantly lowered the number of white blood cells in the blood in the first phase of their clinical trials in humans. The fast consisted of periods of 2 to 4 days without eating anything over the course of six months.

Prolonged fasting forces the body to use up its glucose, fat reserves, producing ketone bodies, but it also breaks down a significant portion of unnecessary white blood cells in the blood, a process Longo compares to stripping an airplane of excess cargo.

It also reduces the PKA enzyme which, according to Longo, is the key gene that must be turned off for stem cells to switch to regenerative mode.

Benefits of fasting

  • Reduces oxidative stress and inflammation.
  • Improvement in insulin sensitivity.
  • Helps weight loss.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • Improves cognitive functions, memory and mental clarity.
  • Increases the production of the growth hormone GH.
  • Prioritizes the repair and recycling of damaged cells.
  • Improved cardiovascular, brain and intestinal health.
  • It has a powerful rejuvenating effect.

During prolonged periods of fasting and/or if you practice intermittent fasting, you should drink plenty of water or liquid, such as vegetable broth, to promote the purification process, keep glucose and insulin peaks at bay and prolong the production of ketone bodies. . You can add 1 scoop of Alkaline 16 Greens, a green superfood that, in addition to alkalizing, provides essential bioavailable nutrients while supporting the body’s purifying process.  Add it to your water or vegetable broth during your fasting hours.

Alkaline 16 GreensAlkaline CareAnti agingDetoxEnergy and vitalityFastingHealth benefitsImmune system

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