Hyperacidity weakens you

Excess acid metabolites in the body (low-grade acidosis) is a condition that negatively affects all systems in our body. Low-grade acidosis forces our body to withdraw alkaline minerals (sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium) from the bones, muscles and blood to neutralize the acidosis, the “buffer” system. As a result of this, the body becomes weaker. Nowadays because of our lifestyle, environmental pollution, stress and the type of food we eat, most of us are affected in one way or another. In today’s article, we tell you why hyperacidity is debilitating. Hyperacidity weakens you.

As a result, the internal terrain is altered, favoring various diseases, inflammation, pain, lack of energy and low mood. When the body is healthy, it has sufficient alkaline reserves to meet emergency demands.

Therefore, in an acidotic state, our alkaline reserves are depleted, weakening us and predisposing us to illness.

The research of Dr. Frassetto, a nephrologist, showed that the gross volume of acid waste in the body negatively affects the liver, kidneys and their filtering capacity, exposing us to chronic diseases such as kidney failure.

The concept of acid/base imbalance

Before World War II, in 1935, Dr. William Howard Hay published the revealing book A New Health Era, where he stated that all illness was caused by “self-intoxication,” a acid accumulation in the body.

Dr. Alfred Pishinger, physician and father of histology, demonstrated the importance of the acid/base balance in the extracellular matrix and how essential it is for it to be alkaline for health. This article explains it in detail.

Blood and plasma bathe all organs and cells, transporting oxygen and essential nutrients. Blood pH should remain at its optimal level, between 7,365 and 7,400. Any slight variation can lead to death or severe damage to organs. The body works non-stop to keep its pH balanced.

Dr. Theodore Baroody in his book Alkalize or Die puts it very well:

Too much acidity in the body is like having too little oil in the car. Without enough oil, the engine burns out. Exactly the same thing happens in the body. I have observed with great concern how people from all walks of life suffer from these excesses.

Obesity in the West

Currently, there is an obesity epidemic in both Europe and the United States and, unfortunately, it is spreading to other areas of the world.

Excess acidifying food, consumption of industrially processed foods with artificial colors, preservatives and flavorings and trans fats are the biggest contributor to obesity. When the body cannot eliminate acid metabolites through the 4 elimination pathways, it accumulates them in fatty tissue. So, we could say that we gain weight due to our acidified state.

Alkalinity and mineral assimilation

Today, inadequate intake of alkaline mineral supplements, and lack of mineral-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables, makes the majority of the population mineral deficient, and cropland is demineralized. Lack of minerals contributes to low-grade acidosis.

Alkaline minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium are essential for well-being, the conductivity of the body’s micro electricity, nerve impulses, muscle contractions and the body’s pH.

Dr. William R Kellas PhD, co-author of Surviving in a Toxic World, mentions that the pH factor plays an important part in eliminating toxins and heavy metals like mercury from the body, stating that:

The body’s ideal pH should be approximately between 7.365 and 7.4. If it is more acidic it will retain heavy metals. Heavy metals generate oxidative stress which, in turn, acidifies the body.

Therefore, it is advisable to take alkaline minerals such as Phour Salts every day to remineralize yourself and avoid low-grade acidosis.

Following an alkaline diet with plenty of vegetables, chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, and fruits will also be crucial in combating acidosis.

We recommend including 1 scoop of Alkaline 16 Greens, a green, ultra-nutritious and alkalizing superfood.

If you follow these steps, you will keep the acids in your body at bay.

Alkaline 16 GreensAlkaline CareAlkaline dietAlkalinity and healthEssential mineralsLiquid chlorophyllpHour Salts

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