How to prevent and treat osteoporosis

In today’s article, we will talk about osteoporosis, what it is and how we can prevent and address it effectively with an alkaline lifestyle. Discover how to prevent and treat osteoporosis with an alkaline diet.

Osteoporosis affects both men and women. However, after menopause, it is more common. Osteoporosis means: porous bone. It manifests itself when the generation of new bone is slower than the loss of old bone, so that bone mass and mineral salts such as calcium, magnesium and zinc are lost.

In general, bone loss begins after the age of 35. The bone becomes less resistant, more fragile and breaks more easily (fractures and microfractures). Bones are the body’s reservoir of calcium and magnesium, 2 alkalizing minerals par excellence. The WHO has classified osteoporosis as one of the epidemics of this century.

How to prevent and treat osteoporosis

Causes of osteoporosis

The most common causes of osteoporosis are:

  • Lack of bone mass during growth.
  • Excessive bone resorption mediated by osteoclasts.
  • Inadequate formation of new bone by osteoblasts during the bone renewal process.
  • Problems in the endocrine glands.
  • Menopause: Estrogens supposedly protect bones by playing a role in calcium metabolism.
  • The intake of certain drugs.
  • Malignant tumor processes.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Bad habits: lack of exercise, smoking, alcoholism, drugs, excess coffee, acidifying diet (lack of vegetables) poor in calcium, especially during childhood and puberty.

Classic osteoporosis treatment

According to classic treatment, people suffering from osteoporosis are recommended to increase their calcium intake through milk and dairy products. However, this calcium is not bioavailable. On the other hand, supplementation based on calcium, vitamin D and certain medications is also recommended.

Osteoporosis treatment based on pH balance

According to the pH balance, we can understand osteoporosis with a new look.

Osteoporosis would be caused by low-grade acidosis. The body steals alkalizing minerals like calcium and magnesium from bones and muscles; and also removes sodium and potassium from the blood to neutralize low-grade acidosis in the tissues. Bones are the largest reservoir of calcium and magnesium in the body.

An acidifying diet causes more calcium to be excreted through the urine, thus losing bone mass. The kidneys also steal calcium from the bones to eliminate excess nitrogen from animal proteins.

In summary, osteoporosis is caused by low-grade acidosis and the body uses its calcium reservoir in the bones.

How to treat osteoporosis naturally

How to prevent and treat osteoporosis with an alkaline diet

This point is crucial since the body requires oxygen and alkaline minerals such as sodium, calcium, magnesium and potassium to maintain its delicate alkaline design. The kidneys manufacture around 250ml of sodium bicarbonate per day to neutralize acids.

Therefore, an alkaline diet rich in vegetables, green leafy vegetables and fruits, packed with vitamins, antioxidants, chlorophyll and bioavailable alkaline minerals (calcium, magnesium and potassium) will be essential to protect your bones. Green leafy vegetables contain Vitamin K, an essential vitamin for absorbing the calcium we ingest through the diet. When vegetables are metabolized, they add bicarbonates to the body.

Try to avoid or minimize as much as possible highly acidifying foods such as red meat, dairy products, sugar, cola drinks, industrially processed foods and vinegar that promote the excretion of calcium through urine.

I advise you to take Phour Salts daily, highly alkalizing minerals (electrolytes) with calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium that will protect your bones and give you instant energy.

And to oxygenate yourself and help you eliminate excess toxins, heavy metals and acids from the body, you have liquid chlorophyll, which has endless benefits.


Physical activity is an essential tool for managing osteoporosis. There are specific programs for this that help reduce the risk of falls and fragility bone fractures since, on the one hand, it increases the muscles that protect the bones and, on the other, it favors an increase in bone mineral density.

Sunbathing at least 20 minutes a day is also essential. Thanks to the sun, our body can synthesize vitamin D, which is so important for the proper absorption of calcium.

Other complements

You could add extra magnesium in citrate form before bed. Magnesium is essential for your bones and when combined with Phour Salts the result is magnificent.

Siliceous is another mineral that helps prevent osteoporosis. The latest studies have confirmed that women of childbearing age who take more siliceous have greater bone density. Therefore, they have a lower risk of suffering from osteoporosis. Supplementing with silica can also be effective when osteoporosis has already been diagnosed.

And finally, do not lack vitamin C, since it is one of the precursors of collagen and is necessary for bone formation. To do this, you have Baobab which, in addition to vitamin C, contains calcium and magnesium that alkalizes, strengthens bones and prevents osteoporosis.

In summary, osteoporosis can be prevented and treated with an alkaline diet.

Alkaline CareAlkaline dietAlkalinity and healthEssential mineralsHealth benefitsLiquid chlorophyllpHour SaltsProductsSuper foods

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