An alkaline diet improves your sexual relations

Upon reaching the age of 40, the male reproductive organs can be affected by acidic metabolites, produced by a poor diet or lifestyle. Testosterone, the male sex hormone, begins to decline due to poor glandular function which, in turn, is the result of low-grade acidosis. In today’s article, we emphasize how an alkaline diet improves your sexual relations.

Why your sexual appetite can decrease

  • Chronic stress and anxiety increase cortisol and insulin, which, in turn, decrease libido and sexual desire in both men and women.
  • Obesity is another important risk factor. Not only does it compromise health, but it greatly reduces sexual life.
  • A diet rich in animal proteins, trans fats, industrially processed foods, sugar, alcohol and lack of physical activity causes a decrease or lack of libido, impotence, erectile dysfunction, low sperm count, depression and mood swings.
  • Another great enemy of libido is sugar and refined flours. Sugar produces resistance to Leptin, a hormone that signals to the brain to stop eating and is key in the sexual response.

Alkalinity and andropause

During the male hormonal decline (or aging process) known as andropause, testosterone progressively decreases. Therefore, during this stage, it is very important to reduce acid metabolites and improve their elimination through the four detox pathways: feces, urine, sweat and respiration.

A lack of alkalinity in the body and fluids, a deficiency of alkalizing mineral salts (such as sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate), can lead to:

  • Weakness and lack of energy.
  • Pain and loss of muscle mass.
  • Weight gain.
  • Urinate frequently.
  • Prostatitis.
  • Erectile dysfunction.
  • Low sperm count.
  • Loss of elasticity in the skin.
  • Increased cholesterol levels.
  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Mood swings.
  • Depression.


An alkaline lifestyle helps balance pH and correct low-grade acidosis in men and helps improve their libido and sexual activity.

An alkaline diet improves your sexual relations

Balance your hormones

We are interested in increasing testosterone and happiness neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins. We will do it with an alkaline diet rich in vegetables, greens and fresh fruits.

Try to avoid hormone disruptors that affect both men and women.

Maintain good levels of vitamin D. How? Sunbathing Increases libido and is antidepressant.

Exercise your muscles with weights regularly as it helps increase testosterone, in addition to having a rejuvenating effect.

Improve your circulation

We will want to increase nitric oxide, a molecule produced by the body that, in addition to improving sports performance, promotes male erections. Nitric oxide is an arterial dilator that improves blood circulation. It has been seen that foods such as grapes, pure cocoa, raw beets, berries and watermelon increase the production of nitric oxide.

Drink enough alkaline water every day, as it is essential not only to purify our body, but to maintain good blood circulation.

Getting adequate rest and sunbathing also help produce nitric oxide.

Manage stress

Learning to manage stress, anxiety and calm the mind is essential to enjoy a good sexual activity since it makes us be in the present, enjoy the moment and contact intimately with the other. To do this, I advise you to regularly practice any sport, yoga, meditation and/or practice some conscious breathing technique. Connecting with the heart through gratitude works wonders in all areas of life and especially in libido and sexual life.

Essential complements

Phour Salts provide vitality and ATP energy at the cellular level. Without energy there is no sex! They alkalize and help stabilize blood glucose. Phour Salts alkalizing mineral salts also help reduce the possibility of suffering from coronary heart disease and heart attacks. Heart disease is on the rise in men aged 45 and older. It has also been seen that those men considered high risk who are taking alkalizing mineral salts and chlorophyll and follow an alkaline lifestyle greatly improve the symptoms of andropause.

Liquid chlorophyll as it not only promotes blood oxygenation, but also improves its quality and circulation. It is revitalizing, alkalizing and rejuvenating. Discover all the benefits of chlorophyll here.

Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that improves sexual function, providing energy and vitality. But, the most interesting thing is that it reduces stress and cholesterol and increases testosterone. It is a natural aphrodisiac that increases blood flow to the sexual organs.

Andean Maca is a natural aphrodisiac known as natural Viagra. It helps increase libido and balance hormones in women and men, in addition to combating anxiety and depression.

If you follow these tips you will notice and they will notice!


Alkaline waterAlkalinity and healthEnergy and vitalityLiquid chlorophyllpHour SaltsSexualitySuper foods

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