Tips on how to regulate your bowel movements

Constipation is considered one of the most common gastrointestinal issues, especially during the summer. It is a condition that affects the large intestine and involves difficulty in passing stools. In this article, we’ll share tips with you on how to regulate your bowel movements.

There are various causes for constipation, such as lack of hydration, an inadequate diet with little or no fiber, lack of physical activity, stress, and more.

Tips on how to regulate your bowel movements

With the arrival of summer and vacations, constipation tends to worsen as we break our daily routine. This often happens because many of us travel to different places and countries during this time. We eat different kinds of foods and our schedules may be affected aswell.

Another cause, as mentioned earlier, is dehydration, which is common during summer due to spending long hours in the sun and not drinking enough water. A lot of fluids and minerals are lost through sweat. Alkaline minerals, especially magnesium, are essential for proper bowel function and movement.

In addition, during summer, we tend to indulge in extra treats that can also affect bowel movements.

How can we prevent constipation during summer?

  • Trying to continue with the same habits and schedules as the rest of the year.
  • Follow an alkalizing diet that contains plenty of fiber, with plenty of vegetables, fruit, and whole foods.
  • Drink at least two liters of alkaline water rich in minerals and for this we have our famous PuripHy drops that naturally alkalize the water by providing it with the minerals that we usually lose through sweat.
  • Don’t forget to do physical exercise during the cooler hours, first thing in the morning and late in the afternoon.
  • I encourage you to include green smoothies with some fruit due to their abundant fiber content.
  • Limit the consumption of alcohol and artificially sugary drinks as much as possible since they not only affect our intestinal bacterial flora, but also cause dehydration.

We also recommend one of our star products, pHlush, a natural laxative that will help you combat constipation, especially during those days when you are traveling and eating different things.

Phlush is a non-irritating laxative that contains magnesium and L-Glutamine among other ingredients that respect the natural pH of the intestine and intestinal bacteria.

Likewise, pHlush will also help you gently cleanse the colon and regenerate the gastric mucosa thanks to its L-Glutamine content.

Finally, I would like to share with you that you can take another highly beneficial product for its properties for the intestine called Psyllium Husk. It is an insoluble fiber that is widely used today in healthy baking/pastry. It combats constipation at its roots, promoting intestinal transit at any age and contains prebiotics that feed the good bacteria in the intestine.

Anti-constipation recipe

Here we leave you a very simple recipe that will promote good intestinal transit, you can have it for breakfast or as dessert if you prefer. It is delicious and the whole family likes it, and it is also very easy to prepare, it will not take more than 5 minutes:

  • Chia seed pudding (very rich in mucilage);
  • Chia seeds ½ cup (85 gr)
  • Unsweetened coconut milk (or other non-dairy milk) 2 cups (500 ml)
  • Agave syrup, 2 tablespoons
  • Vanilla extract (optional) ½ teaspoon.
  • A handful of raspberries.
  • You mix everything and let it rest overnight in the refrigerator and in the morning you have it ready.

And before taking it you can add some cut fruits, like raspberries, or some chopped nuts on top and that’s it!

Alkaline CareAlkaline recipesAlkaline waterAlkalinity and healthDigestive well-beingHealth benefitsLoose weightpHlushProductsPuriphySuper foods

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