Physical and emotional benefits of a liver detox

Today we tell you the physical and emotional benefits of a liver detox. At Alkaline Care we recommend carrying out this detox once or twice a year, preferably in autumn and spring. However, any time of year is suitable.

Physical and emotional benefits of a liver detox

When performing a liver detox we eliminate toxins and acid metabolites that, if not eliminated properly, can produce low-grade acidosis, inflammation and various dysfunctions in the body. A toxin is a poisonous substance (biotoxin) produced by living cells of animals, plants, bacteria or other biological organisms. The elimination of toxins is a process that our body constantly carries out naturally, however, this process is often compromised and the liver can become overloaded due to:

  • Alcohol consumption.
  • Taking medications.
  • Toxics and environmental pollution (air, water, pesticides, herbicides).
  • Smoke of the tabacco.
  • Recreational drug use.
  • Intake of sugar, refined carbohydrates and “trans” fats.
  • Continued stress (distress, anxiety)

When our body contains more toxins than the liver can eliminate, the following happens:

  • Liver congestion
  • Tiredness, fatigue
  • Poor digestion (digestive problems)
  • Inflammation
  • Liver diseases and all kinds
  • Bad mood, irritability
  • Anxiety Depression
  • Lack of mental clarity and lack of concentration.
  • Mental dispersion

Remember, it’s not about waiting until you’re sick to take care of yourself. But to establish prevention as a priority. The liver is the body’s great filter, responsible for cleaning all the blood every 3 minutes.

How to keep our liver clean and healthy

Alkaline cleansing diet

What we eat does matter, and in the same way that there are acidifying foods that have a negative impact on our body and liver, there are also others that promote the natural purification of the liver such as watermelon, melon, apple, cantaloupe, pineapple and blueberries that provide many benefits to kidney and liver health. Also dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, arugula, lamb’s lettuce, artichokes, broccoli and all cruciferous vegetables in general will help a lot due to their sulfur content.

And obviously, avoid highly acidifying foods and the consumption of alcohol and tobacco as much as possible. You could also put intermittent fasting into practice for all the benefits it provides.

Constant hydration

Hydration plays a fundamental role in liver health and the body in general, since water is the greatest solvent that exists. Alkaline water acts like a soap helping to eliminate toxins from the entire body and liver as well. By drinking at least 8 glasses of alkaline water daily you are helping to prevent the accumulation of toxins in the body and liver as well.

Purifying supplements

As a preventive measure, although also if you already have any symptoms of liver congestion, I advise you to take HepHatic Care, a multiphase, gentle and powerful liver cleanser based on medicinal herbs in liquid form, which acts directly on the liver. With just 1 capful on an empty stomach diluted in 1 glass of alkaline water you will notice well-being. Furthermore, you can take it whenever you need it.

Liquid chlorophyll is another great ally to prevent body and liver inflammation. Chlorophyll helps cleanse the blood and liver of toxins. Take between 15 and 30 drops of chlorophyll diluted in plenty of alkaline water every day and you will feel great.

Physical and emotional benefits of a liver detox

If you take care of yourself and follow these tips you will notice these benefits:

  • Digestive improvement and better intestinal function.
  • More energy and vitality.
  • Skin improvements (acne, eczema, dryness, color).
  • Helps eliminate inflammation and pain.
  • Good mood and mental calm.
  • Elimination of anxiety.
  • Better sleep quality.
  • Helps maintain the alkaline design of the body.

Alkaline CareAlkaline dietAlkaline foodsAlkaline waterAlkalinity and healthDetoxHealth benefitsHephatic CareLiquid chlorophyllLiver detoxProductsPuriphyToxics to avoid

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