Why allergies come earlier

According to data from the Spanish Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, in Spain there are more than 8 million people who suffer from allergic diseases, being more common in cities than in rural areas due to air pollution. When an allergic reaction is triggered, inflammatory mediators are released in the cells that are immediately responsible (mast cells) and late for the symptoms suffered. In this phase, immunoglobulins E (IgE) are produced and histamine is released. Furthermore, nowadays allergic symptoms appear before spring arrives. Why do allergies come earlier?

Why allergies come earlier

Our current lifestyle has also increased the predisposition to suffer from pollen allergies at younger ages.

Drought and high temperatures continue to alter the effects of pollination. Experts warn that this year’s allergy season is coming earlier and may also last longer than usual. This is an increasing trend in recent years. The culprit is the unusual high temperatures we are experiencing at this time of year. The pronounced drought can also have an effect on allergy sufferers. This winter has been exceptionally warm in many places in the country and this has meant that, during this month of February, the first symptoms are already appearing in some people allergic to pollen.

Dr. Albert Roger, head of the Allergology Section at the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital in Badalona, ​​believes that one possibility is that, by having less water, the plants generate less pollen and this alleviates its intensity, but other experts believe that the Plants can end up adapting and continue pollinating as always, everything and the lack of water.

This is what Jordina Belmonte, member of the Catalan Allergy Society of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Catalonia and coordinator of the aerobiological network of Catalonia, states. According to her, when they are in danger of drought, these plants have mechanisms to invest more energy in reproducing than in making more leaves or trunks.

Additionally, a drier environment may make it difficult for high concentrations of pollen to dissolve or dissipate.

How to prevent and combat spring allergies

To address spring allergies, one of our main objectives will be to reduce inflammation, oxygenate the tissues and perform a liver detox.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, in spring the Yang (liver Yang) of our body increases, which we would understand colloquially as “spring alters the blood.” Spring corresponds to the wood element and is related to the color green, the acidic taste, rage, the liver and the gallbladder. So, according to TCM, when there are allergies in spring, there is an imbalance with the liver that must be treated appropriately. Below, we present some tips to combat spring allergies:

What you eat does matter

Avoid as much as possible those foods that are pro-inflammatory and acidifying since they promote respiratory allergies and, therefore, make us more susceptible to pollen and mites, such as: dairy products, eggs, fish, shellfish and peanuts.

An alkaline diet is recommended with abundant green leafy vegetables, rich in chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals and enzymes, fruits, legumes, healthy fats and quality proteins. Include foods rich in “quercetin,” a flavonoid found in apples, pears, onions, green tea, and berries.

Drink plenty of alkaline water since the respiratory mucous membranes (lungs, larynx and nose, nasal passages) require good hydration. The lungs love water!

Take care of your nervous system

Did you know that stress and anxiety can aggravate your allergic symptoms? Therefore, it is important to learn to manage stress properly. Practicing any sport will help you.

Purify your liver

When we clean our liver we prevent allergies and avoid recurrences. Try HepHatic Care, a totally natural and extraordinary product that cleanses the liver deeply in its two phases. HepHatic Care helps reduce liver inflammation and improves digestion. To treat allergies, it is recommended to take 2 capfuls a day on an empty stomach, one in the morning and one at night for 2 or 3 months. If in doubt, consult a health professional.

Clean your blood

Cleaning and oxygenating the blood and internal tissues is very important to avoid inflammation and, therefore, allergies. Clean blood improves liver function and the function of all organs in general. To do this, we have liquid chlorophyll, a 100% natural product that works true wonders in the body. Chlorophyll is an oxygen catalyst, promotes purification at the cellular level, helps eliminate histamine and helps repair mucous membranes throughout the body.

Take at least between 15 and 25 drops per day dissolved in plenty of alkaline water.

If you put all this into practice, you will notice a big difference.

Alkaline CareAlkaline waterDetoxHealth benefitsHephatic CareLiquid chlorophyllLiver detoxProductsPuriphySeasons

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