How to promote an alkaline state in the body

In this article, we are going to talk about how to promote an alkaline state in the body in a simple and easy way for everyone.

The fish tank

Imagine that your body is like a fish tank and your cells and internal organs are the fish that swim in its fluid, where nutrients are transported and distributed throughout the body, at the same time, waste that is no longer useful is eliminated. What would happen if the water where fish swim was filled with acidic toxins and they were not eliminated properly?

Logically, the fish would get sick or even die. We could treat the fish, however, the logical thing would be to change the water. The same thing happens with our body. If we clean the water and learn to keep it clean and nourish it properly, our cells and organs will be healthy.

How to promote an alkaline state in the body

As previously mentioned, excess acidity is generated not only by the body’s own metabolic functions, but also by the type of food we eat, what we drink, the toxins we take (medicines, sugar, etc.), lifestyle (sedentary lifestyle or excessive exercise), negative emotions and thoughts, chronic stress, environmental pollution, etc. In short, what we would call a cycle of imbalance.

The good news is that this destructive cycle can be reversed with an alkaline lifestyle. How are we going to do it?

With alkalizing foods

May the bulk of your diet be of plant origin rich in minerals, vitamins, amino acids and enzymes. Let a good portion of these be dark green leafy vegetables with a high chlorophyll content. It includes whole grains, nuts and seeds, fresh low-glycemic seasonal fruits such as lemon and berries, legumes, a small percentage of healthy fat and quality proteins, whether of plant or animal origin.

Ideally, 80% of what we eat daily has an alkalizing power and 20% has an acidifying power, but is healthy to maintain balance. It is also advisable to eat organic foods due to their high content of vitamins and minerals and because they do not contain pesticides or herbicides.

Acidifying foods are: proteins of animal origin such as red meat, eggs, dairy products, sugar in all its forms, refined carbohydrates: white rice, bread, pasta (wheat), alcohol, industrially processed foods and “trans” fats.

Essential food supplements

One of the keys to keeping acidic metabolites at bay is drinking alkaline water, as it acts like a soap that promotes the elimination of toxins from all organs and cells. Alkaline water is a very powerful natural antioxidant with superior hydrating capacity. For this you have PuripHy, very affordable alkaline drops that you can easily add to water, tea and coffee at home.

pHour Salts is a formula of 4 carbonated alkaline mineral salts essential to maintain the body’s alkaline design, providing instant physical and mental energy, regulating digestive processes and improving blood quality.

Foster positive emotions

We all know the damage caused by negative emotions and chronic stress sustained over time. They acidify us, consume energy and make us sick. Positive emotions alkalize and energize us. To foster a positive state in us requires personal work. Practices such as Yoga, Tai chi, meditation and conscious breathing exercises will be of great help to you.

Practice sports

When we practice sports we oxygenate ourselves, sweat and mobilize the lymphatic system, which helps us eliminate toxins and stay alkaline.

Be in contact with nature

Nature, mountain or sea, is loaded with negative ions, there is more oxygen, less pollution and static electricity, which promotes an alkaline state and produces physical and mental well-being.

How to know what state you are in

A simple way to check this is by using strips of special reagent paper to measure the pH of urine and saliva. They are easy to get and are affordable. The pH of the urine should be above 7 although it is accepted that the first urine in the morning is more acidic. And the pH of saliva should also be at 7 or higher. This way we can monitor our progress.

With these tips you will achieve a permanently alkaline state and you will feel wonderful.

Alkaline CareAlkaline dietAlkalinity and healthEssential mineralsEssentialsHealth benefitsLiquid chlorophyllpHour SaltsScience of alkalinity

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