Digestive well-being

5 keys to relieve fibromyalgia

Today, we’re going to talk obout fibromyalgia, a syndrome that causes significant physical and emotional suffering, characterized by widespread chronic pain and deep fatigue…

Free yourself from constipation

Have you ever suffered from constipation? Did you know that chronic diarrhea is also considered a form of constipation? In this article we´re going…

Christmas probiotic truffles recipe

Today we are goint to share with  you three very easy-to-make recipes, homemade multicolored truffles that are delicious, nutritious and fun to prepare. You…

How to compensate Christmas binges

Christmas is the time when many of us go all out—shopping, eating, and drinking much more tan usual. With all the indulgence, we often…

Papaya and liquid chlorophyll lassi

Lassi is a traditional Indian drink made from yogurt. It’s popular throughout the country, though it originated in Punjab. Lassi is typically served cold…