Fasting is easy with Alkaline 16 Greens

Today we talk about the benefits of fasting, the different modalities and how it can help you. Fasting is much more than a fad! In addition, we tell you that fasting is easy with Alkaline 16 Greens.

Fasting is an ancient technique that has been carried out since ancient times, practiced by different religions and philosophical currents to purify and regenerate the body and soul. It originates from different reasons and objectives. Fasting means abstaining from eating solid food for a period of time, and has been part of human traditions since prehistoric times. In fact, fasting is universal, not only practiced by humans, but also by animals.

May your food be your medicine and may your medicine be your food.

Hippocrates – Naturopathic Doctor of Ancient Greece (460 BC)

Although we are always hearing how important it is to eat to avoid malnutrition and have energy, the truth is that overeating (or constantly eating) is more harmful than beneficial.

The benefits of fasting are innumerable

  • Helps improve our relationship with food
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Eliminates acid toxins
  • Reduces pain and inflammation
  • We reduce oxidative stress
  • We purify the body, blood, lymph and liver
  • Improves mood and cognitive function, since not eating activates the mind
  • Rejuvenates at the cellular level and repairs DNA
  • Increases energy, vitality and growth hormone G.H.
  • Promotes metabolic flexibility, keeps glucose at bay and prevents insulin resistance
  • Promotes cell recycling: “autophagy”

Discover the different types of fasts

  • Total fasting. It involves not eating any solid food for 24 hours, from 1 day to 7 consecutive days. There are those who fast for 21 days. This practice is normally carried out during a planned retreat or in a specialized center.
  • Intermittent fasting. It consists of fasting for a few hours throughout the day, long enough for the body to get rid of what is left over and optimize its functions. During the fasting period, it is encouraged to drink plenty of fluids to promote drainage and evacuation of toxins. This modality has more and more followers, I, personally, practice it.

Tips for fasting

I advise you to start with 12 hours of fasting and then move on to 14 hours and 16 hours of fasting. If you have not fasted before, it is important that you prepare first by trying to eliminate acidifying foods, giving weight to vegetables, greens and fruits.

Another crucial thing to be successful during your fasting period is to drink quality water, that is, alkaline water. Alkaline water contains essential electrolytes for the body that will help you eliminate toxins, let’s say a true internal shower. Our PuripHy product is ideal for obtaining quality water.

Fasting is easy with Alkaline 16 Greens

If we add Alkaline 16 Greens to the water (a green superfood of high biological value) we can fast without a problem, since it has a satiating, nutritious, alkalizing and revitalizing effect at the same time. When you drink Alkaline 16 Greens, ketosis (fasting) is not interrupted, as it does not increase glucose or insulin in the blood. Thanks to this satiating effect, you will not have anxiety or sweet cravings during your fasting hours.


Alkaline 16 GreensAlkaline waterCognitive well-beingDetoxDigestive well-beingEnergy and vitalityFastingLoose weightProductosPuriphy

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