pHour Salts are the best alkaline salts on the market because they are a unique combination of four powerful carbonate salts (sodium bicarbonate, magnesium carbonate, potassium bicarbonate, and calcium bicarbonate). pHour Salts help maintain the alkaline design of the human body, plants, and other living organisms.
When lifestyle and diet create more acidification than the body can neutralize, it can place significant stress on health. The body must maintain the pH of cells and fluids at 7.365 and will do whatever it takes to sustain that alkaline pH level. The constant process of acid neutralization generates incredible stress on the organism. pHour Salts provide the body with exactly what it needs to increase levels of the most important alkaline minerals and deliver significant results for improving health and overall well-being.
pHour Salts Can Be Used Daily
Take 1 to 2 scoops per day, diluted in a glass of water (250ml). These salts are naturally present in all the fluids of our body. However, we often lack them, and in many cases, the body is also saturated with toxins. This makes it impossible for the body to function normally due to low levels of mineral salts.
The alkalizing formula of pHour Salts helps reduce acidity in the lymphatic, circulatory, and gastrointestinal systems, promoting recovery and revitalization. It also strengthens the skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems.
pHour Salts Are NOT Harmful to the Body
Table salt is refined and harmful to our health. Its composition is approximately 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemical additives (anti-caking agents or moisture absorbents such as aluminum stearate). Heated to over 600°C, excessive heat alters the natural chemical structure of the salt. This type of refined salt can lead to serious health problems, including hypertension, arthritis, and kidney issues.
pHour Salts have a completely different composition from common table salt. Their formulation has a powerful alkalizing effect and provides the four basic minerals the body needs: sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, in the right proportions.
Taking pHour Salts on an empty stomach in the morning helps regulate intestinal transit. They can also be taken in the afternoon, an hour after meals, or after dinner. They are especially recommended in 2 or 3 servings during periods of fatigue or high physical exertion.
People who consume these salts diluted in water feel more vital, energetic, and healthy. They benefit everyone but are especially recommended for athletes, people experiencing physical and/or mental fatigue, and students.