The best superfoods for athletes

In other articles, we have been talking about the importance of good hydration in athletes. The key is in alkaline water due to its content of antioxidants and essential electrolytes, essential for muscle contractions and nerve impulses. It has been proven that athletes who drink alkaline water before, during and after training obtain better results in their sports marks. All of them report an increase in their resistance and physical strength, as well as a faster post-workout recovery. Today, we will also talk about the best superfoods for athletes.

The best superfoods for athletes

Superfoods also play a crucial role in sports nutrition, since, being food concentrates, they promote increased energy, resistance and are the ideal complement for post-workout recovery. Superfoods are powerful allies for athletes since they provide vitamins, minerals and nutrients in their purest form.


Ashwagandha is a superfood that is also known as Indian ginseng. It means “smell or essence of horse” and evokes the strength of this animal.

  • Traditionally in Āyurveda, it is considered one of the best rejuvenating adaptogenic plants.
  • Nourishes all tissues
  • It provides vitality and strengthens the body physically and mentally.
  • Revitalizing capacity. Ideal for those who practice sports daily or for very active people with stress as it gives strength, energy and calm at the same time.
  • It is recommended to mix 1 teaspoon in 1 glass of alkaline water because its absorption power is greater.

Andean Maca

Another very interesting superfood is Andean Maca:

  • It is a hormonal regulator
  • Provides energy, ideal for athletes and people who feel fatigue.
  • It also helps combat anxiety and depression.
  • It is very rich in essential minerals such as magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, bismuth, manganese, sulfur, sodium, copper, selenium, iodine, silicon, iron and tin.
  • It provides vitamins such as B1 and B2, vitamin C and vitamin E, making it a powerful antioxidant, energetic and revitalizing.
  • It can be taken mixed with a green smoothie, juice or alkaline water for greater assimilation.


Athletes must also take care of their joints. To do this, they have MSM, a compound made from organic sulfur.

  • Sulfur is of vital importance since it is part of components of our own body, such as collagen and keratin.
  • Promotes bone and joint health.
  • Improves flexibility.
  • Reduces pain and inflammation (arthritis and osteoarthritis) and reduces stiffness.
  • Add 1 teaspoon to 1 pint bottle of alkaline water and drink after training.

In summary, those who practice sports intensely should take care of themselves with an alkaline diet rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. In addition to having optimal hydration (alkaline water) and not forgetting to include some superfoods depending on your current needs. Doing this will increase your resistance, your strength and you will have the essential elements for repair and recovery at the cellular, muscle and bone level after training and competitions.

Alkaline waterEnergy and vitalityProductsPuriphySportSuper foods

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