The importance of hydration to eliminate toxins

Water is key to weight balance. In today’s article we will talk about the importance of hydration to eliminate toxins.

Why water is key to weight balance

On average, the human body is 70% water. As we age, we lose hydration and alkalinity inside us. Therefore, drinking quality alkaline water will be essential throughout life to help the body detoxify and maintain its weight. Likewise, if we do not drink enough water, the skin can dry out and wrinkle prematurely.

The importance of hydration to eliminate toxins

What is alkaline water? Alkaline water is water rich in antioxidants, with an alkaline pH and an optimal oxidation/reduction potential (ORP) for health. In fact, there are areas of the Earth known as blue zones with springs where this water flows naturally. People who drink this water are famous for their longevity and for enjoying extraordinary health and vitality.

Alkaline water acts like soap, helping to eliminate toxins from the blood, fatty tissue, organs and skin. In addition, certain pathogenic microorganisms cannot survive in an alkaline environment. Alkaline water promotes cellular oxygenation and, as it contains alkaline minerals, it is better absorbed.

Another interesting fact is that there is a relationship between being overweight and inadequate water intake. That is, the sensation of hunger and thirst occurs when the body’s energy drops and they can become confused. The brain uses a lot of energy that it must obtain from glucose or the “hydroelectricity” of water. This means that many times there is no distinction between the need to drink or eat. When the signal arrives, you choose to eat when you are actually thirsty. An infallible trick if you are on a diet or simply want to take care of yourself is to drink a glass of alkaline water before eating and you will see how you feel more satiated and you will be able to control yourself better. This way you will avoid gaining weight.

Acid toxins also tend to accumulate in fatty tissue and since alkaline water promotes purification, it will also help you lose weight.

Impurities are also eliminated through the skin and drinking alkaline water will help keep your skin cleaner and more hydrated.

How to drink alkaline water

I advise you to drink at least 8 glasses of alkaline water throughout the day and on an empty stomach to notice its benefits. Remember that in summer the need increases. You can make your alkaline water easily and at home with PuripHy drops, you only need 6 drops per liter of water or 1 or 2 drops per glass. You can also add PuripHy to infusions or coffee to provide antioxidants and neutralize their acidity.

As you can see, drinking alkaline water regularly brings you countless benefits.

Alkaline CareAlkaline waterAlkalinity and healthAnti agingEssentialsHealth benefitsLoose weightNatural cosmeticsProductsPuriphy

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