Fight against anxiety by taking care of your gut

In this week’s article, we’ll show you how to get rid of anxiety by taking care of your gut. Fight against anxiety by taking care of your gut. While our modern lifestyle has many wonderful aspects, it also brings some challenges. When our emotional resources are not enough to cope with daily demands, stress and anxiety can arise. Fight against anxiety by taking care of your gut.

Fight against anxiety by taking care of your gut

What is anxiety and why does it happen

Anxiety is triggered by negative emotions and thoughts such as fear, worry, distrust, and sadness. Chemically, the sympathetic nervous system (contraction) is activated, releasing stress hormones like cortisol, adrenaline, noradrenaline, epinephrine, inflammatory cytokines, and histamine. This process is acidic, lowers the immune system, causes inflammation, and disrupts bodily/hormonal functions as well as digestive system functions (also known as the second brain). This is why it’s important to discuss the role of gut health and the microbiome in relation to emotions, anxiety, and overall well-being.

An imbalanced gut microbiome leads to inflammation, low-grade acidosis, a weakened immune system, anxiety, panic attacks, and depression.

There is a connection between the gut and the brain through the vagus nerve. When the gut is inflamed, neuroinflammation also occurs.

Some neurotransmitters are produced in the gut

90% of serotonin is produced in the gut. Through the vagus nerve, chemical substances like serotonin, dopamine, GABA, acetylcholine, and endorphins (the “happiness hormones”) are exchanged between the gut and the brain. In fact, the gut contains hundreds of millions of neurons.

This highlights the importance of balancing and learning how to take care of your gut, not just to maintain a strong immune system, energy levels, and control inflammation, but also to prevent anxiety and depression. A healthy gut fosters calmness, physical well-being, and emotional balance, helping to activate the parasympathetic nervous system.

Recommendations to take care of your gut and avoid stress

  • Proper Nutrition

Avoid processed foods that are low in fiber and contain preservatives, artificial colorings, trans fats, snacks, cola drinks, sugar, and artificial sweeteners. These affect negatively  the gut bacterial flora.

Focus on an alkaline diet rich in vegetables, high-fiber fruits and greens, as they provide essential nutrients and prebiotics that feed gut bacteria.

Don’t forget to consume enough fiber, which is essential to maintain a balanced gut microbiome and prevent constipation or diarrhea.

To help with this, consider taking Psyllium Husk, a digestive regulator that normalizes stool consistency and facilitates bowel movements, while respecting the pH and optimal gut flora.

Include a natural probiotic, such as vegan powdered kéfir, which supports gut microdiversity and helps restore lasting microbiota balance, protecting against gut inflammation. It also promotes the proper absorption of minerals and vitamins, and supports bowel regularity.

  • Stay hydrated

The colon and intestines require plenty of water to function optimally. Without enough water, you’ll suffer from constipation, and your gut flora will become imbalanced. Avoid drinking tap water directly, as it contains toxins like chlorine that can harm your gut flora. Opt for alkaline water, which provides necessary electrolytes, is absorbed at a cellular level, and helps balance the microbiome.

  • Remineralize

Essential alkaline minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium are crucial not only for the nervous and muscular systems but also for optimal digestive function. Taking Phour Salts daily can make a significant difference, providing an instant energy boost.

These minerals help regulate bowel movements, improve overall digestion, preserve gut pH, and enhance gut flora, ensuring that probiotics reach further and survive longer in the gut.

  • Colon detox

Another crucial aspect of maintaining your gut health is an occasional liver and colon cleansing, which directly impacts your digestive health and emotional well-being. To Detox your liver, you can take our product, Hephatic Care.

For colon cleansing, we offer various methods ranging from the famous colon hydrotherapy to pHlush, a gentle osmotic laxative that strengthens and balances the digestive system. It cleanses and removes mucus from the colon, balances its pH, and respects the intestinal microflora.

Even if you regularly go to the bathroom, waste buildup accumulates over the years, which can intoxicate your body and seriously harm your gut flora.

  • Alkaline practices

Another crucial element to activate the parasympathetic nervous system (relaxation), improve the digestive system, and strengthen the gut-brain connection is practicing activities like yoga or tai chi, as well as conscious breathing techniques and heart coherence exercises.

By incorporating all these recommendations, you’ll enhance neurotransmitters and happiness hormones. As a result, your anxiety will disappear, you’ll feel much more at peace and connected with yourself, calm your mind, and become happier. So there is no better way to fight against anxiety tan taking care of your gut.


Alkaline CareAlkaline dietAlkaline foodsAlkaline waterAlkalinity and healthDigestive well-beingEssential mineralsEssentialsHealth benefitsHephatic CareImmune systemLiver detoxMoodpHlushpHour SaltsProductsPuriphyToxics to avoid

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