Get antioxidants with alkaline water

Today we are going to talk about antioxidants, what they are, why they are so important, their benefits and how to incorporate them into your daily life. Get antioxidants with alkaline water!

Get antioxidants with alkaline water

Antioxidants are molecules that are responsible for neutralizing the formation of free radicals that occur in the body itself. Knowing antioxidants and incorporating them daily will be crucial to staying healthy and vital at any age.

Free radicals are unstable molecules produced by cellular respiration that generate a species of oxygen and consume electrons. When there are excess free radicals in the body, they react with the proteins, fats and DNA of healthy cells, causing oxidative stress and cellular damage. Free radicals can cause premature aging in the body and brain, contributing to the development of degenerative and chronic diseases of all kinds. Likewise, when there is low-grade acidosis, even more free radicals are produced, there are fewer electrons in the body, which causes pain, inflammation and weight gain.

Antioxidants, therefore, will help us prevent cellular oxidation and premature aging. Some can be found in the body naturally, and others must be incorporated through diet, minerals, and drinking water.

Source of antioxidants

Alkaline diet

We cannot stress enough how important what you eat is. The great source of natural antioxidants is found in fresh seasonal fruits, vegetables and greens since they are very rich in vitamins A, C, E, betacotenes and anthocyanins, in addition to containing alkalizing minerals such as magnesium and potassium. In nuts and seeds we will find selenium and zinc, powerful antioxidants capable of neutralizing free radicals at the brain level. Antioxidants rejuvenate us at a cellular level.

Eat green leafy vegetables daily because in addition to having vitamins, minerals and enzymes, they contain chlorophyll, a powerful antioxidant capable of neutralizing free radicals, catalyzing oxygen and electrons at the cellular level. Chlorophyll is a natural anti-aging that, in addition to being a natural anti-inflammatory, rejuvenates inside and out as it improves the skin, mucous membranes and hair.

Include liquid chlorophyll every day and you will notice a big difference. In a liter of alkaline water add 30 drops of chlorophyll with mint and a few sprigs of fresh mint and you will see how good it is for you. Do it for at least 1 month straight, although the recommendation is to extend it over time to notice its great benefits. Chlorophyll helps eliminate toxins from all tissues and organs, in addition to promoting the elimination of heavy metals and having a natural anti-inflammatory effect.

Drink alkaline water

Alkaline water is a natural antioxidant capable of neutralizing free radicals and providing electrons at the cellular level. In addition, alkaline water with a pH of 8.5 or 9 has a greater cellular absorption capacity, being more bioavailable and hydrating at the same time. Likewise, by containing potassium it helps eliminate fluid retention and toxins from fatty tissue. That is why many professionals recommend it especially if you want to lose weight. And finally, alkaline water very effectively combats low-grade acidosis, which is so dangerous for our health.

You can make your homemade alkaline water with PuripHy, you just have to add 6 drops per liter of water or 1 or 2 drops per glass. You can also add PuripHy to your coffee or tea to add antioxidants and offset its characteristic acidity.

Drink at least 8 glasses of alkaline water every day, and especially during the summer. When you sweat in the heat, many electrolytes are lost through the pores.

Neutralizing excess free radicals is easier than it seems. You just have to incorporate these simple habits every day and you will notice it very positively. You will feel revitalized and look more rejuvenated, while you will feel that the years do not pass by you.

Try it and see!

Alkaline CareAlkaline dietAlkaline waterAlkalinity and healthAnti agingDetoxEssentialsHealth benefitsLiquid chlorophyllProductsPuriphy

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