How to keep hair, nails and skin healthy

Hair has been a sign of importance from the times of the ancient Egyptians to the Purépechas (Pre-Columbian Mexico). According to some sociology experts, hair can mean everything from social status, beauty and self-esteem, to autonomy and rebellion. Today you will discover how to keep your hair, nails and skin healthy. As for the nails, and as a curious fact: the pharaohs reinforced them with papyrus paper. In ancient Greece, men with power decorated their nails with gold leaf. And in China men also decorated them like this, like the Greeks, or with miniature paintings.

But, beyond aesthetics, hair, skin and nails are also a reflection of our health.

The most common causes of brittle hair and nails

  • The age. The older you are, the greater the tendency for hair strands to thin and weaken, and therefore, there is a greater propensity for hair loss and breakage.
  • Hormonal changes. When there are problems with the thyroid (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism), with the adrenal glands or ovaries, during pregnancy and menopause, or during postpartum.
  • Stress and fear. They activate the sympathetic system and cause the scalp muscles to contract and suffocate the hair, causing it to fall out.
  • Imbalances in the pH of the scalp. When dandruff, seborrheic eczema, itching and excessive oil appear. Infections and fungi also greatly affect nails and hair.
  • Attacks on hair and nails. Such as, for example, some dyes, hairsprays and shampoos with many chemicals that unbalance the pH of the scalp and weaken the nails.
  • Nutritional deficiencies. Anemia and deficiency of certain minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and essential nutrients for hair. Nails are also greatly affected by these deficiencies and poor diet.
  • Health problems. Certain diseases and their aggressive treatments cause hair to fall.
  • External agents. Nails are also greatly affected by the daily use of chemical detergents and bleaches.

How to prevent hair loss and brittle nails?

You can now have healthy, shiny hair and strong nails by following these tips.


It has already become clear that nutritional deficiencies negatively affect hair and nails. We are therefore interested in a diet rich in vitamins, antioxidants, alkaline minerals, iron, siliceous, zinc and MSM (organic sulfur), enzymes and amino acids. An alkaline diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables and greens will provide us with everything we need as it will nourish us in depth, is easy to prepare and feels wonderful. I recommend adding a concentrated natural green superfood based on vegetables and fresh vegetables dehydrated at low temperature such as Alkaline 16 Greens since it contains multiple necessary bioavailable vitamins and antioxidants such as A and C, organic sulfur from broccoli, and siliceous present. in the ponytail. All of these substances are very effective natural hair growers.


You could also include MSM organic sulfur, known as the mineral of beauty, as it keeps skin, nails and hair in good condition. Sulfur is part of the key proteins in the composition of nails and hair, such as collagen and keratin.

Maintaining pH balance

This point is crucial for good hair health since when there is an imbalance in the pH of the body, skin and scalp, the hair and nails will inevitably be affected. Seborrheic eczema, dandruff, etc. may appear, as we have said before, causing hair loss and weakening. And how can we keep the pH of the skin, scalp and nails balanced? Through proper nutrition as mentioned before, oxygenating the tissues and blood with liquid chlorophyll. A more oxygenated skin and scalp will act as a protective barrier against fungi and will help avoid eczema and dandruff that suffocate the hair follicle.

Natural cosmetics

I also strongly advise you to use natural cosmetics without aggressive chemicals that negatively affect the scalp, hair, skin and nails. Natural cosmetics are kind to the skin, hair and nails, since they respect their pH, preserving their beauty and health by lacking toxins.

Manage stress

This may be one of the most important points. Surely you know someone who, after a period of great stress, has lost their hair profusely, perhaps it has happened to you. In times of stress, the sympathetic system is activated, contracting and contracting the muscles of the entire body and scalp, making them fall and then grow weaker and thinner.

So, I encourage you to practice some type of exercise daily that activates your blood circulation, such as massaging your scalp, playing sports, practicing Yoga or doing conscious breathing techniques that activate the parasympathetic system. Cold water showers are also very beneficial for activating and improving blood circulation and relaxing the muscles of the entire body and scalp.

Alkaline 16 GreensAlkalinity and healthAnti agingEssential mineralsEssentialsLiquid chlorophyllMoodNatural cosmeticsProductsSuper foodsWomen's special

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