What you notice when you’re lacking minerals

Minerals are essential for maintaining balance, cellular fluidity, and plasma osmolarity. If you’ve ever wondered what happens when you lack minerals, consider that these elements are crucial for our bodies. Minerals are involved in bone formation, blood production, nerve impulses, neural connections (brain), muscle contractions throughout the body, digestive functions, and the proper functioning of all internal organs. What you notice when you’re lacking minerals.

Minerals are also vital for enzyme and hormone production.

There are two types of minerals: macrominerals and trace elements. The four essential macrominerals for life are sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

These four minerals are crucial for maintaining the body’s acid/alkaline balance, as they have a buffering effect.

What you notice when you’re lacking minerals

We obtain primarily minerals through food, the water we drink, and appropriate mineral supplements.

Currently, due to our lifestyle and the excessive consumption of processed foods, most of us have a mineral deficiency, particularly in magnesium and potassium.

Cells specifically need minerals like magnesium and potassium to generate ATP energy. When we experience stress, our body consumes more minerals than usual, depleting our reserves faster.

Symptoms indicating a mineral deficiency:

  • Tiredness and fatigue.
  • Memory loss and poor concentration.
  • Mental confusion.
  • Difficulty in sleeping and relaxing.
  • Muscle cramps (spasms) and stiffness.
  • Irregular heartbeat.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Joint pain.
  • Constipation and/or digestive issues.
  • Low-grade acidosis.
  • Acid/alkaline imbalance.
  • High or low blood pressure.

What can we do to prevent mineral depletion

  • Diet

Avoid cola drinks, as they cause mineral loss, particularly calcium. These sodas contain phosphorus, which is highly toxic in large doses, and calcium helps neutralize it. Also, try to avoid packaged potato chips and popcorn due to their high sodium chloride (table salt) content.

Incorporate mineral-rich foods such as nuts, seeds, leafy greens, and vegetables, which are rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and enzymes.

Include a green superfood like Alkaline 16 Greens, made from low-temperature dehydrated leaves and vegetables, which are very rich in vitamins, minerals, and enzymes to help maintain the body’s alkaline balance. With just one scoop a day, the nutritional contribution to the body is extraordinary.

  • Hydration

Avoid drinking distilled or mineral-poor water, as it can lead to acidity. Instead, opt for alkaline water with low dry residue but high in bicarbonates. Alkaline water provides essential electrolytes and helps eliminate wáter retention.

  • Remineralize

In addition to diet, I recommend taking an alkaline mineral supplement such as Phour Salts https://alkalinecare.com/producto/phour-salts-en-bote-450g/ , which contains the four essential mineral salts that work synergistically. If you take just one scoop of Phour Salts every day mixed with water, you’ll feel energized instantly, be able to concentrate and feel better.

If you’re someone who regularly exercises or lives a highly stressed lifestyle, Phour Salts is perfect for you. It will enhance your athletic performance, help you avoid cramps and muscle tightness, and allow you to recover more quickly.

With Phour Salts, you replenish the minerals lost throughout the day.

By following these simple tips, you’ll notice the difference!

Alkaline 16 GreensAlkaline dietAlkaline foodsAlkaline waterEnergy and vitalityEssential mineralsEssentialsEstado de ánimoHealth benefitspHour SaltsPuriphy

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