A high-fat and high-sugar diet harms cognitive ability

Even a short-term junk food diet can have a harmful effect on the brain’s cognitive ability, according to a study from the University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney). For the first time, researchers have demonstrated that rats fed a high-fat, high-sugar diet experienced memory problems after just one week on this diet. This article discusses how a high-fat and high-sugar diet harms cognitive ability. The study was published in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity.

A High-Fat and High-Sugar Diet Harms Cognitive Ability

“We know that obesity causes inflammation in the body, but we didn’t realize until recently that it also causes changes in the brain,” said one of the study’s authors, Professor Margaret Morris from UNSW.

“What is most surprising about this research is the speed at which cognitive decline occurred,” added Morris, a professor in the School of Medical Sciences.

“Our preliminary data also suggest that the damage is not reversed when the rats return to a healthy diet, which is very concerning,” she highlighted.

“We suspect these results may be relevant to humans,” Professor Morris indicated. While nutrition affects the brain at any age, it becomes especially important as we age and could be crucial in preventing cognitive decline. “An older person with a poor diet may be more prone to issues,” she noted.

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