The first steps to start an alkaline diet

The key to the success of an alkaline diet is that its effects are quickly noticeable. One of these effects is increased energy. Energy is vital if we want to make changes in our lives! Many of us find ourselves settled in a comfortable and easy position. We don’t consider making changes because every change requires effort and an energy drain that we don’t feel capable of facing. In this article, we share the first steps to start an alkaline diet.


The first steps to start an alkaline diet

Before diving into the tips, there are two things I’d like to highlight:

Most people who decide to change their diet and choose the alkaline diet are motivated by an improvement in their health. The positive results that are often achieved make the transition effective and permanent. However, it’s important not to wait until we feel unwell or become ill to change our diet—we should do it beforehand.

Before deciding to take the step, it’s very useful to ask ourselves if we’re truly ready for it, because it’s not always the best time.

In short, the best approach is to start the dietary transition when we are ready and, if possible, seek the help of a professional.

Step 1. Change your diet gradually

Changes should be gradual, feasible, easy, and manageable for anyone, regardless of where we start. This way, the transition will happen naturally and with as little effort as possible. Otherwise, if we try to change everything overnight, we will become stressed and likely give up halfway.

There are many details to consider: our entire shopping list needs to change, along with how we cook and organize ourselves. So, take it STEP BY STEP!

Step 2. It’s more than a diet; it’s a lifestyle

The first thing we must understand about the alkaline diet—although it may sound contradictory—is that it’s not just about the way we eat.

Many factors play an important role in balancing our pH (exercise, contact with nature, environmental pollution, proper rest, etc.). However, the easiest way to start this lifestyle—and the one with the quickest noticeable effects—is through diet.

Beyond food, we need to understand that all our habits also have either an acidifying or alkalizing effect on our bodies. So, it’s not just about what we eat, but also about what we think, feel, and do!

Step 3. Drink enough quality alkaline water

Water is, without a doubt, the first element we must evaluate when starting this lifestyle. WE ARE 70% WATER! If we choose low-quality water or fail to drink enough, our physical and mental health will suffer.

It is important NOT TO DRINK TAP WATER unless it is filtered. Tap water contains numerous substances harmful to our health, such as chlorine, fluoride, and heavy metals. Additionally, have you ever stopped to imagine the condition of the pipes transporting water to our homes? How many years have they been carrying that water?

My recommendation is to always use bottled water for consumption. And if it comes in glass containers, even better!

The ideal water should be alkaline (with a pH of at least 9), ionized, and free of impurities. As a general recommendation, we should drink a minimum of 3 liters per day.

These are the first 3 steps to correctly begin transitioning to an alkaline diet. In the upcoming articles, I’ll reveal the next steps!

Alkaline CareAlkaline dietAlkaline waterAlkalinity and healthCognitive well-beingDigestive well-beingHealth benefits

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