At this point in the year, after a long winter of gray, low-light days, our vitamin D reserves start to dwindle due to lack of sunlight. Our bodies begin to feel its absence, making us feel more tired—not just from the lack of sunlight but also because the memories of our last vacation are distant and we crave a few days of rest. Finally, vacation time arrives. In this article, we’ll show you how to alkalinize yourself during your holidays break. Alkalinize yourself during the holidays.
Alkalinize yourself during the holidays
Even when spending several days away from home we shouldn´t forget our diet and healthy habits.
It’s okay to be flexible and give ourselves a treat occasionally, but without overindulging as it´s too acidic, as doing so could make our post-holidays return even tougher due to a lack of energy and positive thinking needed to face our return properly.
Alkalinity is part of a lifestyle; it’s a permanent commitment that influences every area of our lives: our habits, thought processes, emotions and every single choice we make.
It is crucial to understand that beyond balancing our bodies, self-care should be integrated into our routine and viewed positively. Think of it as something enjoyable that makes us feel better. If we see our diet as rigid and boring, or exercise as a dreaded chore, then we’re approaching it in the wrong way!
There are countless ways to take care of yourself and feel great without turning it into a burden. Especially during the holidays, when we tend to be more flexible and relaxed, it is essential to have easy-to-implement resources that can enhance our diet effortlessly.
Below, we´ll share with you several convenient and straightforward options to help you maintain your pH balance while enjoying your vacation:
Alkaline Water Wherever You Go
Packing your travel bag with a few essential items is key. Always carry a small bottle of PuripHy, which can alkalize your water wherever you are and, if you lack access to organic fruits and vegetables, it can also help eliminate many pesticides. It’s as simple as soaking vegetables and fruits for 15 minutes in a bowl of water with a dash of lemon and six drops of PuripHy per liter of water.
Chlorophyll On Hand
Chlorophyll is one of our greatest allies to cleanse and oxygenate our blood, making it especially important during vacations when we tend to be more lenient with our diets. Be sure to take it every day with your meals or mixed with water.
Transform Your Bath into a Personal Spa
One of the little luxuries of staying away from home is often having access to a bathtub. And who doesn’t love a relaxing hot bath before bed?
We’re lucky because this small indulgence can become one of the most alkalinizing practices during your vacation. Simply add 2 kg of coarse salt to the water and you’ll transforme your bath into a spa-like experience that will help eliminate impurities and toxins through the skin. That simple!
Recharge Your Vitamin D Reserves
During winter, our body’s stores of vitamin D, which is produced and stored in our adipose tissue, tends to deplete due to a lack of sun exposure. Summer holidays break is an ideal opportunity for outdoor activities that replenish these reserves.
Whether you’re, make sure to carve out a bit of time each day to expose your skin to the sun.
Why is Vitamin D Important?
This vitamin plays a key role in:
- Strengthening our immune system.
- Helping to prevent infections.
- Fighting against inflammation.
- Maintaining strong bones and preventing osteoporosis.
- Assisting in the treatment of depression and other neurological disorders.
Wake Up Energized to Make the Most of Your Day
Drink a glass of warm lemon water on an empty stomach each day, especially if your diet has been less than ideal! This simple practice helps flush out toxins accumulated in the digestive tract overnight due to the body’s repair and regeneration processes.
Warm lemon water in the morning also provides an energy boost, helping you make the most of and enjoy your vacation to the fullest.