Advantages of an alkaline diet for your health

You’ve likely heard about the importance of pH and how it can positively or negatively affect your health. Nowadays, having some knowledge is crucial to empower ourselves and take control of our own health and well-being. In this article, we´ll explain what does pH mean and the benefits of following an alkaline diet. Advantages of an alkaline diet for your health.

Advantages of an alkaline diet for your health

Originally, the term pH was defined by the danish biochemist Søren Peter Lauritz Sørensen in 1909. PH literally means “potential of hydrogen,” referring to the concentration of hydrogen ions in any fluid given as for example: water, blood, lymph, urine and saliva. Hydrogen ions are protons, positively charged particles or molecules. Since acids dissolved in a fluid produce hydrogen ions, the more hydrogen ions present in a solution (any solution), the more acidic that solution will be.

Therefore, by looking at the concentration of hydrogen ions in a fluid like saliva, urine, blood, extracellular and intracellular fluid, its pH will indicate whether that fluid or component is acidic, alkaline, or neutral. This is why measuring the pH of our body fluids and tissues will help determine whether our body is in an acid-alkaline balance or not.

It’s important to clarify that an acidic substance releases hydrogen ions, while an alkaline substance absorbs hydrogen ions.

pH is measured on a scale from 0 to 14. A reading of 7 is neutral, meaning it is neither acidic nor alkaline. Any reading below 7 is considered acidic, and above 7 is considered alkaline.

Why is the pH balance so important for your health?

When it comes to health, pH balance is everything. The acid-alkaline balance is essential for slowing down aging or aging in a healthier way. It’s important to emphasize that we are referring to the pH balance of our body fluids, such as saliva, urine, blood, and intercellular and extracellular fluid.

“The body is alkaline by design, but its functions are acidic.” – Albert Szent-Györgyi (Nobel Prize 1937)

This quote means that all metabolic processes in the body produce acidic metabolites that must be properly expelled through the body’s four detoxification pathways: urine, feces, sweat, and respiration. In order to properly carry out this expulsion, all cells and tissues need an alkaline and an environment with plenty of oxigen.

What does low-grade acidosis mean?

In addition to the body’s own metabolic functions, we must also consider the imbalance in modern diets, especially the Western diet which is highly acidic. A sedentary lifestyle, taking medication on a regular basis, breathing polluted air, drinking acidic water with toxins, being sorrounded by electromagnetic waves are also stressors that contribute to this acidic load.

Stress and negative emotions also promote a latent state of low-grade acidosis, as they release cortisol and hormones like adrenaline and noradrenaline which can generate inflammation and pain.

Many physical ailments often have low-grade acidosis behind them.

The importance of alkaline minerals

The body needs certain alkaline minerals that act as buffers that neutralize the body’s potent acids in order to maintain its balance.

These minerals include the four basic life macromolecules in the form of bicarbonates and carbonates:

– Sodium

– Potassium

– Magnesium

– Calcium

A healthy body always has reserves of these alkaline minerals in bones, muscles and blood for emergencies. However, when the body has low reserves of these minerals and does not obtain them adequately from food, it will absorb them from these deposits. The body produces bicarbonate in the kidneys, pancreas, and lungs.

An alkaline, well-nourished and oxygenated body will be healthy, vibrant, with a strong immunity and a clear mind.

On the other hand, an acidic and less oxygenated body will tend to gain weight, feel heavy and hasn´t much energy, suffers from inflammation and pain, and is prone to discomfort, negative emotions and mental fog.

How to keep your body alkaline

Alkaline diet to be healthy

– Eat plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, and foods rich in minerals like potassium, magnesium, and calcium such as spinach, arugula, broccoli, etc. Don´t forget to eat leafy dark Green vegetables on a daily basis as they contain a lot of chlorophyll.

– Aim for 80% of your food to be alkaline and 20% to be acidic but healthy to maintain your balance.

– Minimize or avoid acidic foods such as meat, dairy, sugar in all forms, refined flour, white rice (starch), alcohol, to much coffee, and processed foods.

– Don’t forget to take essential Omega-3, 6, and 9 fats found in nuts, seeds, avocados, extra virgin olive oil, oily fish, and eggs.

– Drink plenty of water: alkaline water offers greater hydration, helps maintain an alkaline balance, and provides antioxidants that promote the elimination of fluids and toxins.


This is a key point to preserve your alkaline balance and prevent the body from drawing on its own mineral stores from bones, muscles, and blood. The body requires sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium to live.

The average person starts producing less bicarbonate after the age of 45. To counteract this, you can consume a little seawater daily or try Phour Salts. It generates ATP energy instantly, neutralizes acids effectively and provides the four essential minerals in synergy.


Breathing is the primary mechanism the body uses to maintain its acid-base balance. Therefore, it’s important to incorporate physical activities, ideally outdoors, that will help oxygenate you. Learning to manage stress is also crucial, as anxiety or distress can lead to poor breathing, increasing cortisol levels and making the body more acidic.


Another key factor to remain alkaline is to detoxify your filters: liver and colon. The health of these organs is fundamental to maintain an alkaline state.

If you put all these tips into practice you´ll notice the difference, just try it!


Alkaline 16 GreensAlkaline CareAlkaline dietAlkalinity and healthHealth benefitsImmune systempHlushpHour SaltsProductsPuriphyScience of alkalinityToxics to avoid

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